Posts that inspiring an elegant life

A Quiet Birthday


Happy Friday All!

It has been a fantastic weather week here in Indy. It has been in the low 60’s and ’70s. Dream weather indeed. My birthday was Monday and I just wanted to share some small details from it. I got some flowers even though I get them every week. I just love them. They make me happy! 

My birthday was rather quiet this year. I wanted to go to the Cake Bake Shop but my husband has been soooo busy!! I didn’t know when he would be free because you must have a reservation to get in there. You will wait for about 2 hours if you don’t! So we went to the Cheesecake Factory instead! I love their food as well. 

I did go and get a manicure and pedicure. I was there for about 2 hours getting those done. It was nice. I have not been to the nail salon since February. It was a treat! 

Most of you have probably already seen these gorgeous earrings on my Instagram account. 


These are the Vera clip-on earrings from Loren Hope. I have been “stalking” these earrings for almost a year! I was so happy and surprised when my husband gave them to me!

I have been wearing them all week. The last item that I received was this beautiful “Chanel” inspired brooch that I ordered from a boutique on Instagram!

It was only $27 after shipping! I am considering ordering a second one. I don’t really have much planned for the weekend. I do want to visit a boutique and look at a few things but then again I don’t really need to shop. I need to finish up my Christmas list. I started shopping for Christmas gifts in September. I have been buying my ingredients and baking supplies for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have a feeling that items are going to be slim pickings this year. 

I have also been taking Jennifer L. Scott’s Chic Financial Principles for Debt -Free Living course. She has some great ideas and she shares some personal stories about herself and her husband. I have enjoyed it very much. 

I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the weather wherever you are!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

A Great Example…. Enjoying Quarantine

Hello Everyone,

It’s the last full week of September. I would have never thought that this would still be going on in September but here we are. I am enjoying working from home and planning for the holiday seasons. 

I recently saw an article about Martha Stewart enjoying quarantine!!!! What!!! It has been rare to hear about someone enjoying quarantine but leave it to our “domestic goddess” to enjoy it. I read the very short article and gleaned a lot from it. 

Not that I have much to complain about. My family and I have been very blessed through this whole ordeal. My husband’s company has stayed busy. I was given the opportunity to work from home and our daughter only goes to school twice a week! Honestly, her having to homeschool three times a week has been a blessing to us!

This has some similarities to the shutdown that we experienced during the beginning of 2019. Being grateful and taking things into an account…. Let me know in the comments section below what “beautiful surprises” did you encounter during this pandemic. 

Have a great Wednesday!

(photos via Pinterest)

Antiques from Asheville

Good Morning Everyone,

This weekend went by rather quickly. We had a thunderstorm sometime last weekend and our downstairs t.v. has not been working all that well. After a few days passed some of our neighbors posted that some of their appliances and electronics stopped working. So we figured that somehow our area was struck with lightning and almost half of our neighborhood lost a t.v., garage door opener, dishwasher, stove or some sort of electronic. None of us are happy but it is what it is. 

At least no one was hurt. We have to learn how to find some blessing in some of our life complications. Now on to something beautiful. 
In this post, I wanted to share up-close photos of the beautiful items that I purchased from Antique Tobacco Barn in Asheville, North Carolina.

I talked about these items on my Youtube channel. I purchased a crystal letter opener, Australian cookie jar and an Asian or chinoiserie inspired teapot with stand. 

Here is an up-close photo of the Austrian cookie jar. That is what the label described this as. I am not sure if it is. I will not be putting cookies in this. It’s way too gorgeous for that! I am not sure if it is hand painted but it is just an exquisite item to me. I had to have it. 

Here are the stamps on the bottom of the jar. If anyone can tell me what these mean I would greatly appreciate it. 

Here is my “gorgeous darling” in my Eartha Kitt voice, Asian teapot. I saw these and just stared at it. Once I picked it up I realized it had a stand I said to myself, “oh there is no way I am leaving this here”. No one will have this. It’s one of a kind. It feels solid, the colors are gorgeous and it appears to be well made. I know the bottom of this teapot said 1986 and it looks like it was hardly used. I wish I knew the story behind this. I bet it is interesting, 1986, I wonder where it has been. 

I just love it, don’t you? If you are a teacup or teapot lover you can’t resist this. I wonder how owned this? It was made 34 years ago. I may have to conduct some research to see what I can find out. I’ll let you guys know if I learn anything. 


I found out some history about my teapot. This is the Franklin Mint 1986 “Bird and Flowers of the Orient” designed by artist Naoko Nobata. 

Franklin Mint Birds And Flowers Of The Orient Collection | Etsy
I saw this set. It was sold out. Each set that I find it is sold out so they are not lasting online. You may be able to find one on eBay if you are interested. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and have a wonderful Monday. I am in the office this week filling in for my friend. I pray this week goes well. I have not been in the office for a full week since March. 

Thanks for reading!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

An Office Find ~ A Vintage Table

Good Morning Everyone,

I am off today, YES! I am so happy. I have quite a few errands to run today. I have to pick up my dress from the seamstress, grocery shop, and pay a visit to HomeGoods.

I purchased a new vintage table for my office last week. The one I had was too small (see my Youtube office tour below). The table served me well but I needed more room. 

I saw this table at the antique store last week. I thought it would be perfect for my office but I was not quite sure. Now that I have moved it in here it looks good! 

I have more surface room which was a must!

Underneath the tablecloth is an old vintage table that was green. The previous owner then painted it white which looks much better I think. 

And there is a shelf for my vases! I must admit that is what sold me. I needed more room for my vases and had no other place in my office for them. It’s great!

You will notice in my Youtube video that I got rid of the previous chairs. For one they belong to the office and for two they were too small. Our rears could barely fit in those. Talk about a shot to your ego. Those chairs seriously made you consider diet and exercise all the time. Also, I didn’t need two chairs. I hardly have more than one visitor so I thought I could free up some room by getting rid of both of those chairs and bringing in one of mine that I loved. 

I think it turned out great. Now I am on the hunt for a new lamp and mirror. I like the gold one but it doesn’t “sing” to me. 

I hope you all enjoy your holiday and your weekend!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

A Little Antiquing….

Gosh, it’s Friday already. This week went by really fast. Today I have to go into the office for a bit and then I have a hair appointment with my daughter. I am just getting a trim. I haven’t had one since January of this year so I am due. 

I really don’t have anything planned this weekend. With Covid still lurking around, I am still a little nervous about going places. I have been on the Tubi app on my t.v. trying to find “good” movies to watch. It’s been really hard but I have been watching a lot of movies from the ’80s and early ’90s. 

I posted on my Instagram page last weekend the beautiful treasures that I picked up at a local antique store. I only paid about $22 for everything. I love antiquing. It gives me such peace and allows me to step back in time. 

I managed to find this beautiful picture of a flower, love the gold frame, this beautiful bust, and this gold cup which I didn’t realize at the time that it had someone’s name on it. 

It says “Pete” but it is so faint no one will notice it. I plan on using the cup as a holder for pens on my desk and the picture will go in our bathroom. 

The beautiful bust has found her way into my office. 

She looks quite comfy and chic on my table with family photos. I love adding pearls to a bust. I think it’s so fun and unexpected. Plus who doesn’t look good in pearls? 

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and if you want to let me know what your plans are below. I have been wanting to take a picnic for months now. Has anyone done that yet?
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Using Your Best…

Good Morning Everyone,

You know… it just dawned on me that I am starting year 7 for the blog. Wow… I have been doing this 7 years already. With all of the issues and concerns in the world going on today I think our minds are just on overload. 

While it seems that the world is going crazy, I am still trying to live my life the way I want to. The photo above is a little shopping that I did at Homegoods. I have not been to Homegoods since February. It felt wonderful just walking around. I have been on the lookout for hand towels for my home. 

I am still trying to use my best…. every day. 

These pink towels have been the rave on the LiketoKnowit app. I was very pleased to find them for only $10 when they are selling for $60 on Wayfair. 

I am a true believer in using your best things. I have written about it since I started this blog.

A beautiful Waterford table linen that I found at Homegoods for only $22. I love the hydrangea detail. 

I think that if your heart requests beautiful things you will receive them. 

I placed it on our table at home…. why not use it? 

I made a roasted chicken dinner and I pulled out my Royal Albert Old Country Roses dinner plates. My husband always says, “oh we get to use these tonight”. I tell him these are no different to me than the other plates we have. I want my family to get use to this. Use your best always…..

Enjoy your day!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

My Victoria Tea Set

Good Morning Everyone,

I am actually in the office today. I have been given more days to work throughout the month so we will see how this “back to office” transition goes. 

I just had to share my recent order. I know most of you are avid readers of Victoria magazine and follow Jennifer L. Scott on The Daily Connoisseur so this should not come as a surprise to anyone that I ordered that beautiful tea set from the magazine. 

I am sure most of you have seen it. It’s stunning!

This is the April Cornell Blue Roses Tea Set and if you love blue and white this is something to swoon over. The delicate roses and gently scalloped surfaces is something to sigh about. The set is completely porcelain and is going to be a true classic. 

You can order it piece by piece if you like but I would recommend getting something from it. Even if it’s just the pair of tea cups. I guarantee you it will not be a regret. 
This was an excellent collaboration. Especially with such a classic artist like April Cornell.

I am going to enjoy this set for years to come. I only hope that my daughter will eventually begin to appreciate some of the items that I have. You know those teenagers….. 

They think differently then we do. 


(photos via Mrs. Shockley)