Posts that inspiring an elegant life

Chic for the Interview

So I know that we are all fans of Pinterest. I know I am! I love all the inspiration and ideas that come from it! It’s wonderful! I did see this pin recently from Career Contessa and I thought I would share it.

I talked about Career Contessa on my blog in 2014, see the post here. It is a wonderful website for career-driven women and has wonderful resources.

The pin that I saw was called, “Everything You Need to Bring to an Interview“. The list gives you great advice on what to pack in your bag the day of the interview.

1) Pen and Paper
Because taking notes with your phone is unacceptable.

2) Copies of Your Resume
10 copies to be exact. Better too many than not enough

3) A copy of your Cover Letter
Just in case you are asked about something you included

4) Comfortable Shoes
Flats in the purse just in case, never a bad thing

5) A mirror
You’ll want to quickly check for lipstick on your teeth. We promise….

6) Spare pair of tights
If your wearing tights, they WILL get a run in them.

7) An Ipad
So you can show examples of your work (printed portfolios are archaic)

8) A Cheat~sheet
To get you back on track when you are at loss for words

9) Business cards
They’re great for handing out to additional people you may meet

10) Printed questions
It’s crucial to ask good questions at the interview. Have a hard copy.

11) A Thank You Note
Give out handwritten notes in-person, then follow- up with a more detailed note via email. 

Honestly, these are some great tips and I love the idea of writing a thank you letter to the interviewers after the meeting. I have done that before. It is wonderful! I hope these tips help you along the way!

Beauty in Waiting….

I was inspired to write the post after reading Shannon Ables blog post Give it Time: Discovering What is Worth the Wait. It was such an inspiring post. Shannon gave a wonderful list of things she was willing to wait for. So I decided to think to myself and come up with a list of things that I know will be worth the wait for me….

My peony bouquet from last year 

1) The peony season, I look forward to this every year! I have already picked up my first bunch from my florist this month!

You can never have too many….
2) Finding blue and white for my home….
3) A 10-day trip to Italy with my family….
4) My husband eating vegetables. I know it is wishful thinking but I am hopeful….
5) A collection of clothes, shoes & hand bags that are timeless….
6) A home beautifully decorated over time….

My blue and white at home

My flowers at home
I love the flower hanging on the wall if anyone knows where I can find this please leave the info in the comments section!
6) Trusting God with my enemies…..
7) My weight loss….
8) My backyard…. I have a list of things that we are going to do. 
9) Putting money into retirement….
10)  Personal growth: I have a list of mental and emotional goals that I am looking forward to reaching… 
11) Obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree in English…..
12) Becoming a paralegal supervisor for my division….
Scales of Justice Necklace
13) Enjoying my golden years with my husband….
This list could go on and on but I will stop here with my list of goals and dreams that will be worth waiting for. As the Bible tells us “everything is beautiful in it’s time”. And I am telling you it is very true. Enjoy your weekend!
(photos via Pinterest & Mrs. Shockley)

Art in Indy

Last year I shared a post about the Stutz Art Show that we attended. We decided to attend it again with our kids and we always enjoy it. (see last year’s post here)

They had more classic cars and more bands playing music everywhere. Some of the same artists were there but then again there were a few new faces.

We had a good time. I did not take any photos this year. I learned that some of the artists do not like it. So I wanted to respect their work and just enjoy it. I did however take photos of some of the floral arrangements that were there.

Beautiful, beautiful simply beautiful!
Okay, I did manage to sneak in one piece but that was all. So pretty…..
Okay, this was my favorite thing in the whole show. This artist brought in some fresh lilac from her garden at home. She was really nice and very pleasant. Love the blue and white plate of course!
I hope you take advantage of whatever art shows or galleries you have in your city. Like Jennifer L. Scott would say, “continue to seek the arts”.
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Picnic Ideas

Summer is upon us and this year and I wanted to do at least one thing. I want to have a picnic! I have not had a picnic since I was in high school and I loved them! So this year I have it on my calendar to plan a picnic for me and my family. Here are some of my ideas….

1) A nice blanket and some pillows

2) Of course I want lots of fresh fruit and sandwiches

3) I think some french bread would be nice to nibble on with some gourmet cheese. 

Photo by Alexandra K on Unsplash
Beautiful spread

4) Oh and of course I can not forget the candles! 

Photo by Julia Kicova on Unsplash

I am looking forward to this and I know my family will enjoy it! Oh and I can not forget the wine. It will be nice to have a glass with my husband while the kids walk around. I am really looking forward to this!

photo credit Daiga Ellaby

I am hoping that some flowers will be around while we are enjoying each other’s company. 

I hope that you enjoyed this post and are inspired to have your very own picnic! 

Social Graces

This is our last section on manners for this week. I do hope that you enjoyed these tips from Kate Spade. If you are interested pick up the book on Amazon. It is really cheap, entertaining and helpful.

The last tips that I wanted to share are on social graces:

~May I air kiss you?

The handshake of yesterday is the air kiss of today. If you’d rather shake hands, then be swift and extend your hand in greeting before someone leans over to plant a kiss. Depending on where you live, the social air kiss can vary: in some cities, one kiss will do it; in others, it’s European style, with a bus to both sides. If you each turn so that you accidentally kiss on the lips, might light of it. 

Photo by Hendo Wang on Unsplash

~ To hug or not to hug- If you’re friends, then yes. If it’s a business colleague or client, with whom there is a genuine rapport, then yes. If you’re meeting up with a group that includes good friends and near-acquaintances, then hugging everyone is optional- but so time-consuming!

~Sorry, but what’s your name?– You’re in a swoon, you and your new amour kiss, and he calls you by someone else’s name. What to do- step on his foot? Vow never to go out with him again? Or call him by the wrong name? If you care, then bring to his attention, but don’t let it keep you up at night. 

~ We must do lunch– Sincerity is the cornerstone of good manners, so if you suggest lunch or a drink to someone, be sure to mean it. Follow up with a phone call or written invite within two days’ time. 

~ Double dipping- It’s not SANITARY, it’s certainly not appetizing to witness, yet just about everybody does it. If you’re passing hor oeuvres, you can help prevent this by immediately offering someone a napkin or toothpick. You can’t reform all the folks all the time, but no harm comes from trying. 

~ The Art of the Toothpick– Actually, there is no art to using a toothpick. When you feel the need for a little dentistry, excuse yourself and take care of the problem in private. 

And lastly, 

~ Tardiness– Some people are inherently tardy, no matter how hard they try: others are always early. With understanding, both kinds of people can be accommodated. What isn’t excusable. however, is calling someone at the exact time you’re supposed to meet and saying that you’ll be anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes late. Calling ahead shows respect for the other person. 

I do hope you enjoyed this post. I know I did. I always need a refresher on manners and grace. Being in a world where you see none of it can be hard sometimes. I must admit, sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and join the masses. But I try to step back and remind myself of what I want out of life and try not to be like everyone else. 

I always say I want to be a fragrance to people, not an odor. 

(list by Kate Spade)

Gracious Recoveries

We are now moving on to social spills and recoveries from Kate Spade’s book Manners. I thought these were pretty funny and interesting.

It’s one thing to get mail with your last name misspelled and quite another when an acquaintance continually does the same thing (and mispronounces your name as well).  What can you do? How can you be gracious without embarrassing your friend?

~ Squirting your seatmate when you crack open a lobster. Offer your bib, if you have one, another napkin, and maybe even a piece of your lobster if it was from the claw.

~ Arriving a week early for a party
Humor is really the only way out of this one. Explain that you’re on a campaign to improve your tardiness and that you seem to have gone slightly overboard in the direction. 

photo credit Guillaume de Germain 

~ Inquiring after someone’s spouse and learning that they’re no longer married
It’s apparent that this is more of an acquaintance than a close friend, so offer a brief but sincere apology. Don’t, however, take license and ask why the marriage ended. 

~ Wearing the same dress as the hostess of an event
This is a case of the Frozen Smile Solution. Doubtless, neither of you is amused by the coincidence, but outwardly make light of it and let it pass. 

photo credit This is Glamorous Instagram account

~Spilling a Sea Breeze down the front of your white summer dress/ Someone else spilling a Sea Breeze down the front of your white summer dress. 
Both spills were accidental, and thus it doesn’t matter how the cocktail got on your dress. Excuse yourself, find some club soda, and do what you can in the short term to minimize the problem. 

~ And the most predictable of bathroom boo-boos: a stubborn toilet
Who said life’s fair? 

And last but certainly not least….

The Name Game:

Social faux pas are often committed in the misspelling or mispronunciation of a name. Contrary to the belief that you should grin and bear it, it’s actually a kindness to correct the person right then, rather than wait until a later time. Sometimes a delay adds to someone’s embarrassment rather than mitigates it. When you do inform someone of your correct name, do so in a friendly and casual manner. 

I hate doing that but you want to make sure that they know how to say your name. I have to correct people all the time. I hope you enjoyed this list just as much as I do. It was most helpful. 
(text by Kate Spade)

Style + Work = Poise

This is my last post (for now) on style from Kate Spade. I wanted to share her formula for poise and demeanor in the office.

~ Consider the type of job you have: whether you work in a corporate environment, at a fashion magazine, or in real estate, the sensibility of your job and your position will guide your dress choice. 

photo credit Hoang-Kim Instagram account

~ Geography counts. Small town, big city, rural or urban are relevant indicators of dress.

~ Draw attention to your work, not your dress. How you dress may be one way of communicating, but your PERFORMANCE is always the best way to “talk about” yourself to your colleagues or your boss. 

~ Err on the side of discretion, not obsession: you might be proud of your tattoos and many earrings, but at work cover body markings and keep the earring count down to a pair -an earring on each earlobe.

~ Workstyle is not about the gym-fit figure but about demeanor: no matter how flat your stomach is, don’t show it.

photo credit Mariah Hewines 

~ Blue hair, purple hair, overly hennaed hair, or architecturally spiked hair is best left to after-work hours. 

~ Be observant. Some rules are spoken. Many others are unspoken. 

~ For presentations or lectures, select something with color so that you won’t fade into the background. Avoid looking washed-out.

~ What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander. Just because your boss might deviate from the normal office attire, don’t copy her or him. (Or at least not until you’re the boss and get to set the rules!)

Above all, be confident: posture and demeanor go a long way in an office. What you wear is part of the secure image you project. 

(Text via Kate Spade)