Posts that inspiring an elegant life

Lamp Shopping at Hobby Lobby

I was running a quick errand a few weekends ago and decided to stop in Hobby Lobby. It is a great store for home décor. I wanted to find some faux flowers for my office but didn’t see any that I wanted but I did see some great lamps.

I thought these were great. They are called the Cream flower on base lamps.
Very pretty!

Next is the white ceramic pineapple lamp. My favorite!
Very chic!
I hope you enjoyed my short little shopping trip. You never know what items you may find. I always seem to find great things when I am not trying.
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Thirty Chic Days ~ Being private at home

I have shared on the blog how much I love to read! This summer I am reading two books. I always read two books at a time. It’s a habit I developed while I was in college. This summer I have decided to read Bella Tuscany: The Sweet Life in Italy by Frances Mayes and Thirty Chic Days; Practical Inspiration for a Beautiful Life by Fiona Ferris.

photo credit Nicolas Fairford Instagram account

I really dove right into this book! It is an easy read and it is delightful! One section of the book that I found to be quite interesting was the part about “being private at home”. Here is what Fiona said, “When you are at home with your beloved and your family, create a little mystery around yourself. Close the door when you brush your teeth, don’t blabber on about every little thing you’re thinking of, and don’t ask your husband which shoes or jacket looks better. 

Instead, choose for yourself then make an entrance into the room, accepting a compliment with pleasure. It is sometimes easier to learn mystique from someone who doesn’t have any. Do you want to be that person that others learn from? It’s different with family and close friends, but even then you will want to keep your marriage relationship details private. It is many men’s horror that their other half will blab embarrassing details to their friends or family about them.

I know of people who don’t tell family members private information because they know they will be unable to keep it to themselves. Remember, it’s not only that one person you are sharing with, but it’s whoever they might tell also. It is respectful of others to not spill their secrets, insecurities, or private happenings. 

A foolproof way of knowing if it’s okay to relay information about a person is- would I say this if the person was standing right next to me listening to the conversation as well? Or, would I send this email if the person I’m mentioning was reading it over my shoulder? I love this test because it works every time. 

Isn’t this wonderful? Not to say that most of us don’t know these “social rules” anyway but it is a reminder to be private. I wrote about “Keeping an Air of Mystery” earlier this year.

Keeping mystery at home is a wonderful thing. I believe that there are certain things that your kids should not see you do. In the evening when I am getting dressed for bed, I shut our bedroom door. I do not want my daughter to see my naked body! I think that is terrible. I have some friends and family who don’t mind but that is their business, not mine.

photo credit This is Glamorous Instagram account

Learning to be an “elegant bearing woman” is very hard these days but we must continue to press forward and learn how to be leaders in this area. I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you will pick up Thirty Chic Days. It is wonderful…..

(text via Fiona Harris)

Things I Savor in Life

I love it when an author, designer or favorite blogger shares a “fav list”. Those are always so fun and interesting to read. You find out a lot about a person reading their “fav list”. I was inspired to do this list after reading Shannon Ables “Why Not… Savor Life?

Other lists that I enjoy are “Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life” and “100 Ways to Be Elegant” which has been an A Home for Elegance favorite (it has about 500 hits since 2014!).

Below is my “savor list”. I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you to begin your list today.

1. Fresh flowers every week at home and at the office.

                Roses in our bedroom

2. A new bag

3. My daughter’s giggle.

4. My roasted chicken and red potatoes (dinner favorite)!

5. French bread

6. Polished nails

7. Kitten heels

My Jenn heels from Sole Society.:
My heels from Sole Society 

8. My piano lessons. I am practicing Bach at this moment.

9. The smell of floral perfumes.

10. My husband’s hair cut

11. Cooked salted broccoli

My Aerin Lauder perfume Lilac Blossom.:
My Aerin Lauder perfume Lilac Path

12. Louis Vuitton

13. A silk scarf

14. Psalm 90:17

15. Vintage earrings

16. Chinoiserie wallpaper

de Gournay Wallpaper ~ Aerin Lauder:

Aerin Lauder’s chinoiserie is so gorgeous!

17. A good conservation (life changing or revelations)

18. Beautiful china

19. An oriental rug

20. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

summer in provence

21. Vanilla ice cream with spanish peanuts 

22. Fresh water pearls (my blog entry about mine is here).

23. A glass of Risata moscato 

My glass at home

24. Weddings

25. Jennifer L. Scott’s books

26. The Bible

27. Instagram (my link is here).

28. My blog (but of course)

29. My husband in Ralph Lauren

30. Vintage Martha Stewart shows

31. Diana Krall music

Diana this album!:
Gosh I love all of her cd’s!

32. The Fixer Upper- HGTV

33. New York City ( my visit to Rockefeller Center here).

34. Goodwill and consignment shopping

35. A BMW 535 (my dream car)

36. Chandeliers

A Home for Elegance: My Spectacular Visit to Restoration Hardware on my blog...:
Me at Restoration Hardware

37. Classic movies (my blog entry here about my favorites)

38. The Biltmore Estates (which I hope to be visiting soon)

39. Arabella Golby’s personal vlog to Florence 

40. Candles 

I hope you enjoyed my list! Of course I could continue and add more but I figured 40 was enough. If you have a “savor list” please post it below.

(photos via Pinterest and video via Youtube)

Why I Keep A Journal

I heard someone say some years ago that the reason why they kept a journal was because they wanted to keep a record of God’s score and that resonated with me. So I started keeping a journal in 2005.

I have written down every hardship and victory that I have gone through since then. Through out the year I revisit them. I do this to remind myself that God has not forgotten me and that victory is on it’s way.

I have gone through every thing from job loss to family feud’s. From dealing with jealous hearted co-workers to a petty ex-wife. My husband and I have seen a lot but with every valley the Lord has delivered us.

So I share this with you to tell you, keep a record. Write down your hardships and write down your victories. So when you have that moment of defeat you can go back to your journal and read how the Lord gave you victory all those other times and it will help you to keep your faith.

I just recently went and picked up a new journal from Von Maur. They are now carrying the new Kate Spade collection. If you are a flower fanatic like me then you will enjoy this collection.

As I said before, record your life. You won’t regret it. 
photo via Mrs. Shockley 

To Meditate On…

My good friend Kim gave me this to read and I really wanted to share it:

“When I give you no special guidance, stay where you are. Concentrate on doing your everyday tasks in awareness of my presence with you. The Joy of my Presence will shine on you, as you do everything for Me. Thus you invite Me into every aspect of your life. Through collaborating with Me in all things, you allow My Life to merge with yours. This is the secret of not only joyful living but of victorious living. I designed you to depend on Me moment by moment, recognizing that apart from Me you can do nothing”. 

Photo by Sergey Mind on Unsplash
” Be thankful for quiet days, when nothing special seems to be happening. Instead of being bored by the lack of action, use times of routine to seek my Face. Although this is an invisible transaction, it speaks volumes in spiritual realms. Moreover, you are richly blessed when you walk trustingly with Me through the routines of your day”. 

~Jesus Calling

Beauty While Dating

Honestly and truly I am so glad I am married! Good gosh some of the horror stories I hear from men and women about how it is in the single world. It’s enough to make you want to re-think dating and even marrying! I hate to say that but it’s a rude, disgusting world out there.

I still can’t believe how nasty women have gotten. It still shocks me! Well, as you can already see I have some more tips from my fav author on how to have poise and mystery while dating.

“When you dress beautifully, behave graciously, and exude class wherever you go, people will notice. You will be intriguing to those who also care about these things. With your excellent manners and grace, you will automatically weed out all of the potential suitors who are, well, not suitable”. 

photo credit website

~ Always present your authentic self. Never hide things or pretend to be someone you are not in order to impress a man.

~ Dress alluringly, yet tastefully. You should feel both comfortable and stylish in your clothes. You want him to focus on you, not your cleavage, so don’t feel the need to lure him that way. Your intelligence and natural beauty is enough!
photo credit Sinclair & Moore

~ Discuss interesting things such as your favorite books, films, and places to travel. Get an idea of what common interests you share. 

~ Never feel pressured to do anything you are not comfortable with. 

~If he insists on paying, accept graciously, but be sure to treat him to something down the line, whether it’s lunch the next week or a meal you make for him.

~ On the first date maintain your air of mystery. He doesn’t need to know your entire dating history or why the last guy jilted you. These things can come out later, but for the first date, keep it light. 

~ We all know first dates can be nerve-racking, but don’t get drunk! Keep your wits about you and never go over the limit of how much alcohol you can tolerate. 

~ Avoid expressing your emotions online or in texts. Be respectful of what you share about your new beau on social media.

~ If you really like him, let him know. There is no need to play silly games. Remember, you are a catch! He will most likely be thrilled to have snagged such a poised lady.

~ Take your time. Just as you’d savor a delicious feast, savor the romance and how it unfolds. Don’t rush things. This is the most magical time in the relationship!

I hope you enjoyed these tips! I know I have! Even though I have been married for 13 years I can still use some of these reminders. 
(text via Jennifer L. Scott)

Being Gracious at Work

I love my job. Ever since I was in high school I knew I wanted to be a paralegal. I enjoy the work I do and the office I work for.

But every office has those “bad apples” and I try my very best not to be in that bunch. Every office has them. Those “mean spirited” rude people. I just steer clear of them and rise above it.

I am finishing up Jennifer L. Scott’s third book Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic. I recently read her section called “Poise at Work”. I think that poise and excellence at work is so important but as I said before you will always have these nasty individuals that just make your day hard. Jennifer gave 17 reminders on how to have great poise at work. Here are just a few snippets.

1) Always act with integrity and dignity. Honesty is one of the most important traits you can have at work. Always be truthful whether you are clocking in your hours or listing your accomplishments in the interview.

2) First impressions are important. Whether it’s a new client or a new district manager, always STAND when you’re being introduced to someone.

photo credit Aerin Lauder from Instagram

3) Be a good listener. Let’s say you are receiving a performance review from your boss and he or she gives you a few areas you could improve upon. This hurts your pride. You might feel defensive, annoyed, and even upset. But it’s a good idea to place you pride on the back burner and genuinely listen to your boss’s analysis. Get truthful with yourself.

4) Look alert. I know you’re tired and this Monday-morning meeting is such a complete and total drag, but perk up, sit straight, and look alert. You can raise the energy level and productivity of your team.

5) Always dress appropriately. It is best to err on the side of conservative dress. Never wear clothing that is too revealing, either too short or showing too much cleavage. Dress for the job you want, not the job that you have. Aim to look presentable always.

6) No visible tattoos or body piercings. If you work in a conservative environment, it is best to cover them up. Whether you like it or not, people will judge you for them.

7) Treat everyone with kindness and courtesy, from the janitor to the CEO. Do this not to get ahead, but to show respect for everyone in the workplace. Treating everyone with equal reverence creates a positive team environment.

8) Be diplomatic in how you communicate. Avoid pointing, as it looks aggressive. If you must point, keep two fingers together. Think politician. Also, think (and pause) before you speak. Maintain your calm and poise even in the wake of their angry tirades. You are the face of the company……

9) Watch your language. It doesn’t matter how friendly you are with your coworkers, watch your language lest the boss or, even worse, a customer, hears you swear.

10) Show respect for the common areas like the kitchen or tea area. Clean up after yourself. Never take any food that isn’t yours. Avoid taking personal calls in these areas, so as not to disturb others who are resting.

11) Keep your work area tidy. Doing so showcases a good work ethic and shows you respect the job. Treat your workspace as you would the big corner office with the view, even if you are just in a cubicle for now.

12) Always be punctual for meetings. You do not want to step into that boardroom with twelve sets of annoyed glances looking your way.

13) Never gossip. If others are participating in office gossip, stand up for the person being gossiped by pointing out that that person is not there to defend him- or herself, or simply remove yourself from the situation.

14) Take responsibility if you have acted in error. It shows tremendous courage to own up to your mistakes. Stepping up with integrity will most likely erase much of the damage done by the mistake in the first place.

15) Don’t order extravagantly at business dinners. I know the lobster looks good and so does that bottle of champagne, but employ restraint when ordering at business meals, to show respect for the hosts.

Never order a takeaway bag from a business dinner. It just looks bad. And then you have to carry it out of the restaurant. Awkward.

Be Yourself. From the initial interview to every day thereafter, strive to be yourself. There’s a reason you got this job in the first place.

I hope you enjoyed these reminders from Jennifer L. Scott and I would recommend you pick up her book 
Polish your Poise. It’s a wonderful read!

(text via Jennifer L. Scott)