Posts that inspiring an elegant life

Homekeeping with a Pet

Homekeeping is very important in regards to being elegant because a clean home is an elegant home. I really like to clean and organize. It takes my mind off whatever issues I may have for the moment. It’s great exercise and you can listen to your favorite music.

I have a boxer named Bishop. I love my dog and enjoy having him. One thing I will not tolerate is my home smelling like “dog”. My visitors should see my dog not smell him. That is why I clean my house religiously. I keep my floors swept and vacuumed. We bath our dog and wash his blankies.

One product I decided to try last year was the Swiffer.  It is absolutely wonderful!!! I use it on all my floors and it gets all of the dog hair and human hair. Another product I use is Odor Control Solutions. My husband buys it at our local pet store. It is an all natural treatment for bacterial odors. I sprinkle a little on the floors and vacuum. It works great!! They have it in lavender and lemon scent.

The other products that we use are the Nature’s Miracle . They have helped when he had his little “accidents”. Of course I still have my Bath and Body Works bulbs in my walls and that keeps the house smelling wonderful. Below are some photos of what products I use. So I want to give those of you a little hope who have pets that having an elegant home is possible.

My dog “Bishop” in my sitting room

The carpet cleaner I use

My Swiffer

All the hair it picks up (sorry I know this is gross but I wanted to show everyone)

My beautiful Casablanca lilies, my dog does not bother them. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Being Elegant in Public Bathrooms

Oh my this is a touchy subject. Public bathrooms are just gross sometimes. I know that bathrooms are made for doing “your business” but some people’s business is worse than others. I have made a habit of trying to be nice, clean and as odor free as I can be when going to public bathrooms.

Sometime ago, I went into a bathroom and noticed that there was no tissue! I was horrified! So to remedy that I now carry personal cleansing cloths. They come in different scents and they are just wonderful! They are also hypoallergenic so you don’t have to worry about “breaking out”.

Another item I carry is room spray. Bath & Body Works and Yankee Candle sell fantastic room sprays! They are small enough to keep in your bag or your baby bag (if you still carry one). So I go in do my business, use my wipes, spray my bottle once, wash my hands and when the next person comes in after me they are greeted with a friendly scent and not thinking, “Oh Lord”!

So I encourage you to visit your local Bath and Body Works or Yankee Candle to pick up your favorite room spray. The prices range from $5-$7 and the wipes are sold in most stores. They are about $3 a box and are small enough to keep in your makeup bag. Below are photos of what I carry now. Enjoy!

(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Afternoon Tea Etiquette

I love having tea! It reminds me of the days gone by. I love getting together with some friends having tea and talking about anything. I think that learning tea etiquette is also a wonderful trait to add to being a lovely lady.  I have a channel on Youtube and I enjoy watching some of the videos of some of the women that I follow. There is one in particular and her name is Trina Leavers. She lives in London and I just love her style!

She is so elegant and down to earth. I started following her a few months ago and I have learned so much from her. She is like a distant girlfriend that I chat online with. In one of her videos she talk about how to have afternoon tea (London style). She has this tea set called Royal Albert Old Country Roses. It is just stunning!

While at Macys I find the Royal Albert set and my goodness is it expensive! Just for one tea cup and saucer alone is $60! So what did I do, I went to Ebay.  I found a cup and saucer set for $25! I was so excited. So now I am on a quest to complete my set. I will have to buy it piece by piece but oh well. Below is a photo of me with my cup and also is the video with Mrs. Trina in it. I have also attached a video of the proper way to have tea. The videos are so fun! I hope you enjoy them!

Looking Presentable at Home

Looking presentable at home has been a task for me. As soon as I come home my second job begins. Being a wife and mother is a lot of work and sometimes when you get off you don’t want to look “polished”. Well one day when I came home I looked at myself and noticed that my hair was not in order and I just wanted to get out of my clothes. But then I realized that I put a lot of effort into looking nice at work. Why not look nice at home to?

If the people on the outside world see my best then so should my husband and daughter. So now when I come home I comb my hair, spray on some more perfume and put on my apron. I am starting to love aprons. They keep my clothes nice and they can hold your cell phone and lip gloss. They are pretty inexpensive. I paid only $12 for it. I watched a video called “Looking Presentable As a Busy Mom” by the Daily Connoisseur. It is a great video and has helped me to continue on my quest for looking chic at home. So take a look at the video and let it inspire you!

(photo via Mrs. Shockley)

100 Ways to Be Elegant

I found this list last year on the Simply Luxurious Life blog by Shannon Ables and I just fell in love with the list. I also noticed that I did about 44 of the requirements already which was a nice surprise! I enjoyed this list so much that I printed it out and keep it in my library. I think it’s just a great reminder and a joy to read each time. You take a look at the list and see how elegant you already are!!


100 Ways To Be Elegant

by DeeAnne on 11/06/2010 (


1. Send thank you notes
2. Practice good posture
3. Speak more softly
4. Listen without interrupting
5. Wear solid colours
6. Ignore fads, or use them sparingly
7. Have a signature wine that you serve at home
8. Wear only 2-3 accessories
9. Have impeccable manners
10. Read on a variety of topics
11. Maintain a budget
12. Study the arts
13. Have one signature perfume/cologne
14. Show restraint in expressing anger
15. Learn the art of conversation
16. Learn French
17. Wear a trench coat
18. Learn how to wear a scarf
19. Wear a tuxedo, when one is called for
20. Practice quality over quantity
21. Don’t yell or scream
22. Learn to dance the waltz
23. Have one fabulous signature meal you serve guests
24. Remember birthdays
25. Go on picnics
26. Wear dresses/suits more often, and on dates
27. Simplify your life, your home and your calendar
28. Wear pearls
29. Open the door for ladies
30. Let him open the door for you
31. Remember that it’s more important to be kind than it is to be right
32. Serve coffee or tea after meals
33. Arrive exactly on time
34. Don’t complain
35. Dress to travel
36. Be well travelled
37. If you’re a women, don’t wear black shoes between Memorial Day and Labor Day…wear spectator pumps instead
38. Keep your home clean and uncluttered
39. When guests stay over, put a small pitcher and glass for water on their nightstand, along with a book they might enjoy
40. Learn how to host a small dinner party
41. Have one subdued solid colour scheme throughout your home, use accessories to add colour
42. Learn how to make the perfect martini
43. Learn how to tie both a regular tie and a bow tie (whether you’re a man or a woman)
44. Be a lady or a gentleman at work, especially when delivering a difficult message or when tempers flare
45. Wear lovely/handsome hats
46. Don’t point out the mistakes of others
47. Wait your turn patiently
48. Don’t curse
49. Chew each bite 20 times
50. Sip your drink
51. Learn proper etiquette for all situations
52. Accept compliments graciously
53. Be quietly self confident
54. Don’t boast
55. Be respectful of others
56. Have fresh flowers in your home
57. Write a letter rather than send an email to those you love
58. Keep your nails well manicured
59. Maintain your shoes and clothing
60. Don’t ever lose your joie de vivre
61. Be well groomed
62. Remember that money does not equal elegance, nor is it necessary to be elegant
63. Wear less make-up
64. Wear well-fitting clothes
65. Spray lavender on your sheets
66. Be positive
67. Learn to politely say no
68. Be concerned with making others feel comfortable
69. Maintain good health
70. Don’t overindulge
71. Hold yourself to high standards
72. Turn your mobile off at dinner
73. Wear simple, classic hairstyles
74. Think before you speak or act. Ask yourself, can anything good come from this?
75. Apoligize sincerely
76. Have integrity
77. Don’t speak ill of others, or gossip
78. Always take a gift to your host or hostess
79. Tie a scarf on your handbag
80. Take a clutch in the evening
81. Wear well fitting jeans with either a long sleeve white shirt or solid sweater for more casual events
82. Only wear sneakers for exercise
83. Use white sheets, white towels, white dishes
84. Be sure your clothes are pressed
85. Your car’s horn should say “pardon me, but do you see me?”, rather than “get out of my way!”
86. Overdo empathy
87. Light candles in your home
88. Go for walks in the park on Sunday
89. Give others sincere compliments
90. Understand your own worth
91. Learn how to open a bottle of champagne
92. Dress appropriately for the occasion
93. Do small favours for others, without expecting anything in return
94. Say please and thank you
95. Take the time to stop and listen to others, especially children
96. Take responsibility for yourself and your own happiness
97. Keep a journal
98. Give thoughtful gifts, rather than expensive ones
99. Less is more
100. Savour the moment

Spring Break 2014- How to Travel Organized and with Elegance

It is Spring Break for some of us already and with all the snow we have been having it’s a race to the beaches! So here are some tips from the queen of organization Martha Stewart! Also are some photos of traveling in style. Enjoy!

How to
Pack a Suitcase for a Five-Day Trip

this suitcase, there is plenty of room for nearly a week’s worth of clothing.
The key is to keep everything in separate and neat bundles, while making use of
the built-in compartments.


To maintain the shape of my knitted tops and chunkier sweaters, I line the back
of each garment with a few sheets of acid-free tissue paper before folding.
These items should never be stored on hangers, either at hotels or at home;
doing so can cause the fibers near the shoulders to stretch.


Shoes are usually the heaviest cargo in a travel bag. To prevent them from
crushing delicate clothing, I tuck them around the perimeter of the suitcase.
Each pair is kept in an individual drawstring-topped shoe bag. I stuff the toes
of my pumps and other dress shoes with acid-free tissue paper; socks go inside
sneakers and slides.

Assembled Outfits

To streamline both packing and dressing on trips, I plan my outfits ahead of
time, complete with shoes and accessories. I put each outfit on a single hanger
(unless the top is a sweater) and wrap it in plastic.


In addition to packing my shoes in pouches, I also place belts in one bag,
undergarments in another, and tights and leggings in yet another. This ensures
that the suitcase stays organized, even in the rare event it is searched at the


These days, traveling means toting around a lot of electronics. I pack each
charger separately in a labeled resealable plastic bag so everything is visible
and at my fingertips.

Computer Protection
Laptops have to be taken out of their cases at airport security checkpoints, so
I keep mine in a jumbo resealable bag to minimize handling. The power cord goes
into a smaller bag.

Easy Reading

I carry my Kindle, which lets me scan an array of books and newspapers, and my
cashmere scarf with me on every trip. I also bring my toiletries (in containers
that hold less than 3 ounces), a change of clothes, and my contact lens
container and solution, just in case I am separated from my luggage.


A messenger bag is roomy, can double as a pocketbook, and holds everything I
need. I rely on a few coordinating accessories, including a large, sleek
walletlike clutch by Perrin, to hold miscellaneous items.


One trip to the baggage carousel is proof enough that nearly all suitcases look
alike. A bright-green ribbon tied to the handle distinguishes each of my bags
from everyone else’s.


Many luggage locks are forbidden under security regulations. So I tie the
zipper pull tags on my suitcase together with a piece of waxed twine. That way,
I can tell if it has been opened.

To Relax
or Exercise

Comfortable, breathable clothes are always good to have on a trip. I’ll wear
them on the plane during a long flight or save them for an impromptu hike or

to Pack an Ensemble for Traveling

My trips are always extremely busy, so I plan what I’ll wear to each event to
ensure that I don’t take extra clothes. With this one-outfit-per-hanger system,
wrinkles are minimized, and I can hang up items as soon as I arrive.

Step 1:
Hang the bottom
 First, you need a good dual-purpose hanger with metal
clips and a secure grip. Attach a pair of jeans or pants or a skirt at the

Step 2:
Add the shirt

Slip the top onto the hanger, covering the bottom piece. If possible, keep all
the buttons closed so that the shirt and collar will lie flat.

Step 3:
Fold and wrap

Place the outfit facedown on a bed or a table. Tuck the pant legs under,
creasing at the knees or in thirds. Then fold in the shirt’s sleeves, and make
a final fold at the bottom to fit inside the suitcase. Slip a clear plastic
garment bag (you can use one from a dry cleaner) over the entire bundle,
tucking in any excess plastic.

(Text from Martha