Blog posts that inspire

Holiday Etiquette- Quick Reminders

Hello Everyone,

With Christmas being next week, I thought I would share these tips from etiquette expert Myka Meier, founder of the Beaumont Etiquette program.

We are all either going to be a host or guest so these tips are wonderful to read and to put into your mental rolodex for the holiday season. 

I shared these last year on the blog. Andrea from The Glampad, interviewed the lovely etiquette coach last year and provided a series of lessons on her blog.  

Inspiring & Dreamy

For the host…

When guests RSVP, ask them if they have any food allergies or dietary restrictions. Make sure there are plenty of dishes to accommodate anyone’s dietary needs.
For larger holiday dinner parties, it’s okay to set your place settings and table decor at least one day in advance of your party. By setting the table in advance, you can focus on food preparation on the day of the event.
Ensure that your table’s décor, including flowers and candles, do not block the view across the table and therefore make conversation between guests difficult.
Try to prepare as many dishes as you can ahead of your guest arrivals. This way you are able to entertain as they arrive and not rushing in and out of the kitchen to check on the meal. We suggest having some light hors d’oeuvres and drinks to serve when guests arrive, as they’ll be hungry when they arrive and it may take time to get all the food on the table.
If you have family or friends who can help out, delegate responsibilities to them. For example, have one person responsible for greeting guests, one for taking coats, and one for making sure all guests have a full drink in hand.
The host or hostess should always sit closest to the kitchen in order to be able to access it quickly should a guest need anything.
Be sure to turn off the TV during the meal and put on seasonal music instead. This will help everyone enjoy both the food and the company all the more.
Be over prepared. Thanksgiving tends to be an over indulgent holiday. Plan for plenty of food and drinks if possible, so that if someone wants a second helping you can graciously serve it to them.
If you wish to say a prayer or toast do so before you begin the meal, and make sure the host or hostess initiates it.

For the guest:
One should arrive at an event at someone’s home between the time listed on the invitation and 20 minutes after. Do not arrive early as the host or hostess is most likely putting last minute touches on various elements of the party. When you arrive, offer to help the host or hostess in any way you can.
If you have food allergies or dietary restrictions, do notify your host or hostess when you RSVP.
It’s likely your host or hostess has spent hours if not days preparing. Show respect, enthusiasm, and mirror their effort by dressing in the spirit of the holiday!
Before you take a seat at the dining table, ask if seats are assigned. There may be a seating chart that the host or hostess has organized.

Honest Questions:
Are hostess gifts always required?
It is always appropriate to bring a gift to someone’s home. The host may tell you not to bring anything, but they won’t refuse your thoughtful gesture once you arrive at their home. A hostess gift can be a small item, such as a candle, home-baked goods or a set of decorative cocktail napkins.
What should you do when someone gives you a gift and you don’t have anything for them in return?
If this situation happens you should not draw attention to the fact that you don’t have a gift for them. Instead focus on showing the person who has gifted you a present gratitude. If you felt the need or desire to you can always send a gift to them at a later date.
And these are just a few of the many questions on the blog post. If you wish to read the post you may view it here.
I hope that you all have found these tips useful. I know I have and will continue to return to this blog post for many seasons to come. 
Have a great Wednesday!

(tips and information Andrea, The

photos via Pinterest 

Junk and More Junk

Good Morning Everyone,


For the last few days, I have been trying to figure out where all these horrible websites have been coming from on my blog. 

Well, it turns out that there are a lot of us that get hit with these unwanted visitors. They are called “spam referrals”. Great… something else I have to guard myself against. 

Since Blogger is such a huge platform, it is a perfect place to send spam to people like me. I am still talking with individuals at work about what I can do. 

For right now, I will encourage you all to NOT visit these sites. They may take information from your phone and who knows what else. 

So for right now, I am going to enjoy these beautiful photos that I found on Pinterest, get ready to start wrapping presents this weekend and enjoy Christmas with my family. 

Oh and I forgot to mention this. My daughter and I could not get tickets to our normal Nutcracker show this year! They only had it for 3 days! Hamilton is here and booked the theatre for the entire month of December. Luckily, I received an email from the Indianapolis Ballet letting me know that they were having one more show this past weekend. 

It was only going to be part 2 of the Nutcracker but I could not resist! This show was at Newfields and was so much cheaper! Lauren and I loved the show and there was hardly anyone there!

What a dream!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and remember to stay away from the spam! I wish these people would use their talents to solve world problems! Geez!

(photos via Pinterest)

Reputation by Association

Good Morning Everyone,

It has been an interesting week. I am still volunteering at Dress for Success and still enjoy it. Being around all these different women just had me thinking. Do you believe that we attract who we are?

I believe it and have seen it work in my life as well as others. Remember that classless co-worker that I talked about here on the blog? Well, one of our other co-workers was friends with her and as I watched their friendship I noticed that the other co-worker (who was very nice) begin to act like and sort of take on the nasty one’s demeanor. 

photo credit Mariah Hewines 

It was really hard to watch and some of us noticed it right away and felt sorry for her. Well, I am happy to report that they are no longer friends. The nasty one (who was nasty to me and others) destroyed that friendship as well and the nice one was left without an explanation. 

She just stopped talking with her which is really sad. She didn’t even tell her why she did not want to be friends anymore. I can’t say I am surprised. I talked with my mentor about it and she said (which is what I already knew) she no longer had a use for her and didn’t need her anymore. Really sad…

Be careful who you let into your “gates”. Not everyone is for you. I am still reading the English Etiquette and I am in the chapter about reputation. Alena had some wonderful tidbits in this section. 

“When you spend time with people who are thin on morality, manners and common decency as if by osmosis, your reputation and self-worth will begin to fall in line with theirs”. 

“Choose wisely who you spend your time with because despite what you know in your heart, you will look guilty by association and the time spent with those people will only serve to drag you down and perhaps tempt you in the long run”. 

“Be the light to these people but don’t validate what they are doing by passively hanging around with them in order to make yourself or them feel better”. 

I take these wisdom points very seriously. I am very, very cautious about who I let into my gates. I know that not everyone is my friend. It’s so unfortunate that we have to be this way. But be careful that you don’t turn a blind eye to someone’s horrible behavior just to have a friend because is that really friendship? 

photo credit Anatasia Lysiak 

I have been praying for years (since 2012) that the Lord will send me godly friends that will pray for me and I will pray for them. But another thing that I always pray is that the Lord will sever ties with people that I don’t need to be in relationships with. 

So I hope that these tidbits of wisdom help and remind you that friendships are wonderful but be careful about who you let into your life. Have a great weekend!

Elegant Wednesday

Good Morning,

I saw this bit of wisdom on Pinterest also. Whatever you have in life make it beautiful. 

And she always had a way with her brokenness. She would take her pieces and make them beautiful. 

~ R.M. Drake

I use my broken pieces all the time to create something marvelous. We are not perfect but we are living. Enjoy your day!

photo credit Freddie Martyn 

Confident Monday

photo credit Brigitte Tohm 

Let’s start our Monday off with a little confidence…

I saw this poem on Pinterest.

I know God has a plan. I pray for direction to follow it, patience to wait for it, and knowledge to know when it comes. 

I whole-heartedly believe this and need this. I hope this inspires you today. 

Enjoy your Monday!

Other posts on confidence:

Mental Chicness

A Lovely Mind

A Lovely Mind- Part 2

Blush for Autumn

Good Morning Everyone,

Goodness, Halloween is next week and I have begun my holiday list review. It dawned on me this morning that I have to start preparing for Thanksgiving. 

I like to start my turkey shopping as soon as possible. The brand that I like to buy usually sales out pretty quickly here in Indy. 

Yesterday morning, I attended the Coffee Classic Series at the symphony. The performance was called Mozart’s Concerto for a King. The program started at 11:00 a.m. so I took an hour of leave and attended the performance. It was lovely. I really enjoyed having a morning symphony. It eased my mind and I was completely relaxed. I look forward to attending more morning symphonies. 

I wanted to end the week with these beautiful photos of autumn decor from Victoria Magazine. Autumn decor is usually brown’s, yellow’s and orange’s. But I really like how these pastel colors were tastefully done. 

Softly Shaded

I adore this look. The pumpkins are the perfect mauve color and I love the gourds and weathered lanterns. But I would be worried about my dogs picking up the pumpkins and chewing on them.

Softly Shaded
Don’t you just love the vintage linens? I am on the look-out for a vintage table linen for home. I have not found one yet but will keep my eyes open. The vintage books are a nice touch and so is the candlelight. 

Softly Shaded

 These are gorgeous! I love the botanical greenery and the hydrangea blossoms. The dusty pink pumpkins are a perfect fit in this window box. To read the original article you may see it here.

I hope you all have a great weekend. I will try to upload a video this weekend. I am just trying to figure out what I want it to be about. Enjoy your weekend!

(photos via Victoria

The Beauty of a Woman

I saw a fantastic post on one of the interior designers that I follow on Instagram. She posted tips from Audrey Hepburn about beauty…. had to share them. 

photo credit Aerin Lauder Instagram 

For attractive lips…. Speak with words of kindness.

For lovely eyes... Seek out the good in people. 

photo credit Micheile Henderson 

For a slim figure... Share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair… Let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. 
For poise… Walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone. 

photo credit B Stinger Instagram

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed…. Never throw out anybody. 

Beautiful tips if you ask me. Thank you, Audrey.