Blog posts that inspire

Perfume Dos & Don’ts

We all love perfume and have our favorites but there are some dos and don’ts that you should know. I came across an article in the December 2008 Better Home and Gardens magazine that gave 5 reasons for how to wear perfume.

* Don’t
Over-douse yourself. Spritzing yourself over and over in the morning doesn’t make a fragrance last all day. Instead, reapply sparingly at 6-hour intervals. And as a rule, perfume should never be noticeable beyond an arm’s length.

* Do
Combine your scents. Mix up your fragrance wardrobe by layering different aromas-a lovely, the original scent may emerge.

* Do
Store perfume with care. Most fragrances will last for years, provided you keep them away from extreme temperatures and heat, which can alter and “turn” the scent.

* Don’t
Buy a fragrance because you liked it on someone else, Scents smell different on each person, depending on her body chemistry, how dry or oily her skin is, and even what she ate for dinner the night before. Try it on your own skin if possible.

* Don’t
Buy perfume on the street. You can’t be sure of the source or even if it’s the real thing, turning a bargain into a blunder quickly.

The Symphony of Elegance

My necklace from Von Maur
To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common – this is my symphony – William Ellery Channing

My Facebook Page

I started a new facebook page for my blog. I will post things that I find while shopping, past entries, and anything else that may inspire me. If you wish to follow my page just click “like”. Thanks for reading!!!!

My kitchen at home

Secret Details

I know I have shared tons of “chic tips” from author Jennifer L. Scott but I just can’t get enough of them. I love her tip called “Secret Details”. I believe in this tip so much. Especially, in regards to making an effort to enjoy being woman.

“Enjoy the secret details of dressing every day. Don’t wear your granny panties and hole-y socks (in fact, throw them away). Pick out a beautiful matching bra and panty set to wear today. Yes, today! Even though you don’t have a hot date. Even though no one will see them. You will know you are wearing them, and that is enough. Wear your nice lingerie and spritz yourself with your favorite fragrance. Then put your clothes on. Enjoy these secret details. You’ll have a decided spring in your step throughout your hectic day”.

My nightgown and favorite body spritz. I spray it on every night before bed.

Amazing secret details

(photos via my own and Google)

Be Elegant Everyday

I always make sure that I look my very best every day. I always pick out a nice blouse, skirt, shoes, and then I add my accessories. I wear perfume every day.

But being elegant does not mean you have to have money or beauty. The only thing that is required is good taste. Earlier last year I read a book called A Guide to Elegance. It gives several tips on how to be elegant and what it means to be chic. In the chapter called “Budget” it mentions this:

“With careful coordination, good taste, and self -restraint, even a tiny budget can permit you to be surprisingly well-dressed. For example, here is an outline of a complete but basic minimum wardrobe.

For the Winter:

1 basic coat

1 black skirt

1 sweater in a complementary color- for example beige or brown

1 silk sweater, black or white, with a pretty neckline

1 pair of back high-heeled pumps

1 pair of flats

1 black leather handbag

1 pearl necklace

With these few items, you will be equipped for work and dates. Enjoy!!

My gemstone faceted necklace from Talbots

Interview Yourself about Your Passions

One of my favorite bloggers Shannon Ables from the Simply Luxurious Life wrote a book called “Choosing the Simply Luxurious Life”: A Modern Woman’s Guide. I downloaded a sample onto my Amazon Kindle to see what the book is all about. So far…. I love it!! I especially love the questions that Shannon presents about life. I found the questions about finding your passions extremely intriguing. I found myself answering the questions as I was reading them. I think they are very helpful in finding some truth about yourself. Read the questions below and see if you can figure out what your passions in life are.

* What am I doing when I lose track of time?

* What am I most often complimented on?

* What do others look to me for?

* What do I have the most fun doing?

* What makes me feel great about myself?

* What am I naturally good at?

* What do I most often give to others?

* What ideas, things, places and people am I most inspired by?

A Wealth Board

A few weeks ago I was reading an article on Camilla Styles about 13 Ways to Up your Financial Game and in the article she discussed ways to create financial wealth. The second item on the list really caught my eye.

She mentioned the idea of creating a “wealth board” and this is what she said about it….
The strong feelings that visuals trigger actually help you achieve your goals. This simple technique is used successfully by Olympian athletes. It will also serve as an encouraging reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing when the going gets challenging.

A wealth board
I have to admit I LOVE this idea!! I love the idea of keeping pictures of what you would consider to be your wealth on a board to keep you inspired. I have been doing this for years. I just didn’t think of it as a wealth board. Now I will have to create one for home. I think this idea is great! It keeps the heart and mind on the same track and it does remind you of why you do what you do. Create your wealth board today and be inspired!!!
(photo via Camilla Styles)