Looking Presentable at Home

Looking presentable at home has been a task for me. As soon as I come home my second job begins. Being a wife and mother is a lot of work and sometimes when you get off you don’t want to look “polished”. Well one day when I came home I looked at myself and noticed that my hair was not in order and I just wanted to get out of my clothes. But then I realized that I put a lot of effort into looking nice at work. Why not look nice at home to?

If the people on the outside world see my best then so should my husband and daughter. So now when I come home I comb my hair, spray on some more perfume and put on my apron. I am starting to love aprons. They keep my clothes nice and they can hold your cell phone and lip gloss. They are pretty inexpensive. I paid only $12 for it. I watched a video called “Looking Presentable As a Busy Mom” by the Daily Connoisseur. It is a great video and has helped me to continue on my quest for looking chic at home. So take a look at the video and let it inspire you!

(photo via Mrs. Shockley)