Afternoon Tea Etiquette

I love having tea! It reminds me of the days gone by. I love getting together with some friends having tea and talking about anything. I think that learning tea etiquette is also a wonderful trait to add to being a lovely lady.  I have a channel on Youtube and I enjoy watching some of the videos of some of the women that I follow. There is one in particular and her name is Trina Leavers. She lives in London and I just love her style!

She is so elegant and down to earth. I started following her a few months ago and I have learned so much from her. She is like a distant girlfriend that I chat online with. In one of her videos she talk about how to have afternoon tea (London style). She has this tea set called Royal Albert Old Country Roses. It is just stunning!

While at Macys I find the Royal Albert set and my goodness is it expensive! Just for one tea cup and saucer alone is $60! So what did I do, I went to Ebay.  I found a cup and saucer set for $25! I was so excited. So now I am on a quest to complete my set. I will have to buy it piece by piece but oh well. Below is a photo of me with my cup and also is the video with Mrs. Trina in it. I have also attached a video of the proper way to have tea. The videos are so fun! I hope you enjoy them!

2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    huni you look so very elegant with your beautiful cup and saucer ,and your chanel brooche , thankyou so much for mentioning me ,i have a lot of the same values as you, it is nice to be a lady and act like a lady at all times

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