Decorating with Vintage Pieces

I always take advantage of those moments when you are standing in line at the grocery check-out to look at and catch up on decor and fashion magazines. The magazine that caught my eye this time was the Special Collector’s Edition of Southern Living.

On the front, it had “Style Guide: which was like lights to me! I picked it up and immediately became captivated by all the ideas and instructions on how to decorate a room. So far this is the best decor magazine I have purchased this season. The magazine really focused on collecting and how to decorate with antiques.

I have been trying to learn more about antiques and how to train my eye for good finds. One thing that you will learn about my style of decorating is that I am not “matchy, matchy”. I love putting different pieces into a room to pull it all together. That is the fun part of decorating.

The one item that caught my eye in this book was the idea of taking vintage champagne buckets and trophies and using them for flower arrangements. One of the blogs, I follow called Simply Put Vintage put this idea to use.

I thought how creative! You can collect vintage silver pieces and use them to put gorgeous fresh flowers in? Fantastic! I’m in! So I searched eBay for a champagne bucket that I liked and purchased one! I love it!

 I went to the grocery store and purchased a few bouquets of flowers and Voila! Take a look below and search eBay for your vintage bucket or trophies.  Also, watch the video by One Kings Lane with decorating queen Bunny Williams and train your eye for vintage finds!

The vintage champagne bucket that I purchased from eBay for $35.

Simply Put Vintage 

Train Your Eye for Great Finds with Bunny Williams – YouTub