The Peony Garden

I was recently complaining to my husband about how I can’t find any peony flowers to buy in the floral shops! I keep seeing all these wonderful photos on Instagram from some of the designers that I am following. They are all posting these wonderful photos of their peony centerpieces and gardens.

Well, one of my co-workers received a bouquet from her husband for their anniversary and guess what flowers she had? Peonies!!! I was so excited to see them. So I called the floral shop where she received them from. I told my husband that I was going to buy some after work. He then called the floral shop and had some delivered! I was so pleased!! Finally some peonies of my own and they smelled so good!

 So here are some photos of my gorgeous peonies and here are some more photos of inspiration from peony gardens that I have found on the internet. Also, I have attached Martha Stewart’s Youtube video of her Peony Party and a video of her and Kevin Sharky doing some peony flower arranging. Lastly, if you love flowers just as much as I do then read my blog post about Floral Brooches.  I hope you enjoy the photos and the videos!

My husband also found me some yellow roses at our local Costco! 
They are lovely aren’t they? 
My peonies from my husband 

My bouquet at work 

My peonies at home. I loved them!!!

Peony Party – Martha Stewart

(click on the links to watch the videos)
(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. Pink Champagne
    Pink Champagne says:

    So many pretty blooms! Peonies are my favorite.
    Thank you for your sweet comment! The necklace is actually two layered…double stand pearls and turquoise beads (Luperla). Have a fabulous day, lady! XX

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