Comfy Outdoor Porches

I don’t know about you but this past winter has been the worse I have ever seen! I HATED Indiana from November until really about now! This winter just seem to drag for everyone! So now for the last few weeks, I have been on my porch just sitting and enjoying the weather and the scenery.

This is our first full year in our new home. We built it from the ground up last year and closed in July. So I really didn’t have much of a spring. But this year oh I have enjoyed it! I love my new home and the porch! My last home didn’t have a porch. I had to sit in the garage to watch my daughter ride her bike up and down the street. So when picking out the options for our home having a porch was at the top of my list!

My porch decor is really simple. I have some second-hand furniture that I received from my mother in law. It was red but my husband’s friend painted it black for us. I love it!! It goes well with the house. I have a few plants and I just purchased some pillows from my favorite flea market (see here about the flea market).

I think the plants and the pillows help my porch to feel more inviting. I would like to add some peony bushes, lavender, lilies, and maybe some hydrangeas in the near future but for right now I am just enjoying the fact that I even have a porch! So below are some photos of my simple porch and also is a Youtube video from Martha Stewart Lily Pond Garden and Porch tour.  Lastly, Southern Living has a porch club! Just click here to watch the video and visit the website. Enjoy!

My porch; very simple and we have our wandering jew plants hanging above. 

I planted these last month and I love them!

I love hanging plants. They always look so pretty on the stands. 

I love the way the pillows look on the chairs. Looks very inviting. 

My pillows up close. I only paid $5 each for them!

I planted these last year. I only had one now I have four new ones!
My plants

I am just sitting on my porch enjoying a glass of wine. 

Lets enjoy a Lily Pond Garden tour!! – YouTube

(click on the link to watch the video)
(photos are Mrs. Shockey)