Cursive Writing ~ A Dying Art
A few years back my husband was attending his younger son’s parent-teacher conference. During the discussion about the classroom rules and the year’s subjects my husband learned that they would NO longer be teaching cursive writing.
I thought to myself how dumb is that! The teacher said that since everything is computerized writing would not be necessary. Hearing that really made me sad. If children do not know how to write in cursive then how in the world are they going to sign their credit card slips and mortgages?
So since the schools are no longer teaching that I decided to teach my daughter on my own. I went on the internet and printed off some cursive writing material and I have been having her practice. She is getting much better at it.
I loved learning how to write in cursive. I couldn’t wait to learn in school. I loved it so much that other girls would have me write their “love letters” to their boyfriends. It was fun but cursive writing for me added more beauty to my work. Teachers always complimented me on my writing as well as my assignments.
I still like writing hand written notes to people. I just hate that it’s not being taken seriously. I read somewhere that cursive writing awakens the creative part of the brain and believe you me some of our kids need it!
A few weeks ago I was reading a blog entry on “Penmanship” from Ted Kennedy Watson’s blog. It was absolutely fantastic and inspired me to write this blog entry. You must read it. Another place that I “subscribed” to on my Instagram is Word of the Day. They post a word, definition and use it in a sentence. It is great! We will be in the car and I will read the word of the day and ask my daughter about it. It’s another way to incorporate vocabulary into our lives. So please continue to write and teach your kids the importance of cursive writing!

Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

That is so sad that the schools don't teach cursive anymore. I felt the same way when I was in elementary school and started learning. My friends and I would see how pretty it turns out or compare ourselves to other writing and spelling. Also, we got gradings how our cursive writing turns out. I love hand written letters but I admit that I don't do that enough now that we have emails and texting. But I still do hand written thank you notes:) Thanks for the links I'll be checking them out. Have a nice day!
Thank you Ping for stopping by! I agree! I love cursive writing and hand written notes.