On Vacation ~ New York City 2014

Hello all, my family and I are going to be on vacation this week. It will be a short one but I am so excited to be going to New York City!! The last time we were there was in 2007 and my husband and I were attending a two-day wedding. We didn’t get to visit much of the city but from what we did see New York is just splendid!

Now we have about 5 days there and we are hoping to do more sight-seeing of the city. I will post whatever we see and do upon my return. Until then…….. enjoy your week everyone!

(photo taken by Mrs. Shockley)
I am hoping to visit Laduree in New York 

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash
I want to see the Floral District

And of course the Statue of Liberty! We will see!