Puppies & Sunday Lunch

We have a boxer named “Bishop”. We have had him for about 2 years now. He is my baby! I love my boxer. Well, we recently bred him with a female boxer and they had about 8 puppies. One died because of complications but the other 7 are doing quite well.

The family of the female boxer has invited us out to see the puppies a few times now. We have enjoyed watching them grow. Below are some photos from our recent visit. Enjoy!

The family’s home. Isn’t it beautiful…….

The drive there….. not in the city

Look at all this space! The boxers have all this room to run!

The backyard. Soy beans are growing behind their home. 

My husband holding one of the gorgeous puppies!

Oh, he is feisty! He did not want a photo!

Me holding my favorite one… Isn’t he cute?

More puppies

They fed us a great simple lunch! It was pulled pork sandwiches, alfredo macaroni with broccoli,
green beans, salad, and corn on the cob! It was wonderful!

Last but not least homemade cheese cake with homemade blueberry sauce.
Oh, gosh it was to die for!

This couple has a fantastic catering company called OnSiteCaterer. Please check out their facebook page. Their food is delicious!!!
(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)