The Visit to Columbia University

Now I have to admit I didn’t know much about Columbia University but one thing I can say, it is beautiful! We took a quick tour while vacationing in New York. My friend Marc is an architect and he did some restoration work at the university in the last few years.

We grabbed some lunch in Harlem and headed to the university. Marc took us around the school and showed us some of the work he did. We ended up in the center of the university in front of the library. We sat down like the other students and ate our lunch while Marc talked about the history of the school and the courses. Marc attended Columbia during his college days also.

I was really impressed and at awe at how beautiful the school was. Then I realized that one of the Assistant United States Attorney’s I work with attended college there! I loved sitting there and looking at all the buildings. There was something majestic about those buildings nevertheless we enjoyed it! So, of course are my photos below. Thanks for reading!

Outside on the step looking around and eating lunch

Sitting out front of the Library of Columbia University

Inside the library. Can you see yourself giving a speech that will change lives?

Looking up in the library. Very majestic right?

Okay, this has nothing to do with Columbia but I had to add it.
It’s my photo of the Met Museum in New York.