French Bread

I love french bread! I have it almost everyday. I discovered this Pillsbury french bread a few years ago at the grocery store. It is so easy to make and when we have guest over for dinner they enjoy it as well.

If prepared right, it is so soft and so delicious. I prepare it with my dinner dishes as well as breakfast. I love it in the morning with scrambled eggs and blackberry preserves! Oh so good!

Below are the steps, it’s pretty simple. I hope you try it!

Here it is still in it’s package.

You take it out and cut slits into it.
Make sure you spray your pan with some cooking spray.

You bake it at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes.
Keep an eye on it!

This is the finished product. I put butter on it. Oh my!! Delicious!

I also have it in the morning with turkey bacon. 

Just wonderful!

(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)