My Piano Lessons

Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to learn the piano. I played the clarinet in 5th grade and that was all. We didn’t have piano lessons when I was in school and my mother was a single parent so money had to be spent on more important things.

But now, since I am an adult I figured I can learn at this stage in my life. I have the time and I really want to have something else in my life. Working, and being a mother are wonderful jobs but being able to do something for yourself keeps your emotions and mind at ease.

I heard that learning music makes you exercise a different part of the brain.  I want to keep my brain in excellent working condition and I want to add excellent quality to my life. I have been taking piano lessons for a month and I am enjoying it!!! My teacher has over 20 years of experience and is a feisty little lady. She is from Russia and has lived in Indianapolis for quite some time. She has a cute little studio on the south side and her prices are very reasonable.

 Right now, I am learning how to read music so that has been a great challenge! But I am doing very well and want to succeed. One song that I have learned to play is called “The Morning in Spring”. It is very short and has taken me 2 weeks to learn.

I am very proud of myself and it has been a great joy to see my family come to the loft to hear me. My step-son has taken a great interest in my lessons. It makes me smile when he attempts to learn the music. He is in a band so it is taking him no time to learn the music. If there is something that you have always wanted to learn then I would encourage you to pursue your dreams.

We are only making this journey once. Make it an elegant one…..

Photo by peter bucks on Unsplash