The New Fabric

A few months ago my husband went with his father to help a friend move some furniture into his new office space. This friend is an attorney and had some extra furniture that he did not want. So he offered some of the pieces to my husband.

My husband brings the furniture pieces home and I love all of them, except the burgundy arm chairs. They were hideous to me!! I told my husband to drop them off at the Goodwill but he saw the beauty in them before I did which is rare.

I just could not get past that color. I begin to stare at them and then I sat in them. They were tremendously comfortable. So the wheels in my mind begin to turn and I said, “Let’s just change the fabric”. I did a little research and found Vitian’s Re-Upholstery, LLC.

I gave her a call and she came out with these giant fabric books and looked at my chairs. She told me that they were over 30 years old and that I was nuts for wanting to drop them off at the Goodwill. She said, “They don’t make furniture like this anymore, you better keep them”. My husband then looks at me with this stupid smile on his face. Yeah, yeah, he was right.

After talking and laughing for a while we settle on a color called “Platinum”. It took several weeks because of all of the studs but I received them recently and I love them. I am very happy with my chairs and very happy that I listened to my husband.

My chairs before….

My chairs after…. love!!
photos via AHFE