My Autumn Porch

Well it is official autumn here in Indiana. It is already starting to cool down a bit but no worries, I LOVE the fall!! I can’t believe Halloween will be here soon then it will be time to start putting up Christmas decorations.

But let me slow down and focus on autumn. My husband and I went and picked up some giant pink mums from Costco. They were only $17! It was a steal! I love them on my porch. I really haven’t decorated a whole lot this year but that is okay. Just do what you can and make the most of your home.

I love my little pumpkin sticks. 
They are so easy and are great 
autumn decor items.

I love white and green pumpkins. It’s something different and they keep the decor looking fresh.

I love this giant cast iron pumpkins that I picked up at T.J. Maxx some years ago.
I just put a candle in them at night and they just glimmer.

I love my pink mums! 
photos via AHFE
2 replies
  1. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    Mrs. Shockley, your porch looks absolutely beautiful. I love the pink mums and your white and green pumpkins. Live elegant every day 🙂

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