6pm.com ~ A Shoe Haven

I am such a girly, girl. I love everything about being woman and I am sorry to mention that shopping can be one of the bad habits that a girly, girl can have.

I love shoes but finding them recently has been a pain. I love shoes that I can wear on the weekends as well as work. I am not a tennis shoe person. I only wear those when I am working out.

I don’t like these horrid platforms that they have out now. I don’t understand how those can be comfortable or elegant. But everyone likes what they like so let’s move on.

I found a great website while shoe hunting last year. It is called 6pm.com. All of the prices are reasonable and if there was a shoe that you didn’t want to pay full price for at the store, you may be able to find it on this website. I would strongly suggest you visit it. I love it and ordering shoes from this site has just been a wonderful experience.

I just ordered these. They are the Calvin Klein leather heel.

I only paid $37!!! It was free shipping. How good does that sound?

photos via 6pm.com