My Tour of the Governor’s Mansion

This past week my co-worker and I took a tour of our local Governor’s mansion. The tour was free and the butler that took us around has worked there for 40 years!!! It was a wonderful tour and I will be going back in the spring. They have a garden tour then. They take you on a tour of the grounds. There are magnolia trees, lilac bushes, lilies, roses and spearmint. I can’t wait! I am looking forward to seeing all the beautiful flowers and maybe learning something too. 
Me at the entryway

The entryway chandelier 

The chimney

Blue and white vases

But of course I must take pictures of the chandelier 

Overview of the living room

The upstairs was blocked off. You can only tour
the downstairs.

The governor’s office

The dining room

Dining room chandelier 

The hand painted mural in the dinning room. 

Love the silver!

The breakfast room

The kitchen

The family room

Very cozy….

The outdoor entertaining space

The butler “Mr. Dexter”. He has been working here
for 40 years! 

If you would like to tour the Governor’s mansion, see here.

(all photos via AHFE)

2 replies
  1. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    What a beautiful mansion, Mrs.Shockley! i absolutely adore all the pops of blue. I cant wait to see pics of the garden when you visit in the spring.

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