Oil Cleansers ~ Are they Good?

For the last few weeks, I have been reading the French Beauty Solution. It has been a wonderful book and I have learned a lot. I have been discussing certain chapters from the book see here and here.

In the newest chapter the author Mathilde is talking about natural oils and that they are great for your skin. I have always felt that using an oil cleanser would make my skin worse or cause it to break out. But Mathilde doesn’t believe so. She said that one of the fallacies of skincare is that oily skin or skin prone to breakouts should never be touched with oil.

“When you use the right kind of oil on your skin and keep it properly hydrated, oil production in your sebaceous glands actually decreases. When choosing an effective oil-based cleanser, moisturizer, or serum, realize that there are two kinds of oils to use: plant based oils that are therapeutic and the base of your products; and essential oils, which are distilled essences of plants (herbs, flowers, trees, roots, etc. ) that are also therapeutic as well as highly concentrated and so should be used sparingly.”

I will now be thinking twice about oil based cleansers and will be paying a visit to Sephora very soon.