Spring blooms in my life….

I have had some great blooms for spring so far. Everything from the items I planted in my yard two years ago to the home and office bouquets I have been able to pick up at my local store. I wanted to share some of the beauty that I have had for the past couple of months.

My front yard

My “Miss America” peonies that I picked up from the nursery.

My pink flowering tree

My lilac bushes

My white lilac tree. My husband will be putting it in the ground.

Our Canadian cherry choke tree. It is so fragrant in the spring.

An up close photo of the blooms on the tree.

An up close photo of my rhododendrons. 

My pink lilies at home.

These were at my office.

And last but not least my peach roses from Costco. 

I look forward to my flowers this year. Enjoy the beauty in your life. 
(all photos Mrs. Shockley)