Antiquing in Asheville

I had such a wonderful day at the Biltmore. We spent the night at a great hotel and got up early to continue on our road trip to Florida. The day before while we were heading to the Biltmore, my husband and I spotted tons of antique stores!

I am a sucker for antiques and wanted to stop so bad but I knew that my husband wanted to get on our way so I didn’t say a word. So the next morning he surprised me by stopping at the biggest one we saw. It was called the Antique Tobacco Barn and it was huge!

I felt like a kid in a candy store! My husband was extremely impressed and he is never impressed with antique stores. He usually hates going into them but will tolerate them for my sake.

I love the chairs!

I thought this was gorgeous! It was massive!

I love these crystal vintage candlesticks!

My daughter found this blue and white vase. Good find right?

Beautiful dishes and pictures

This would be beautiful in a backyard with roses all over it!

Okay, I could not help it. I had to grab the crystal candlestick holders.
Fantastic right?
This was so much fun and I hope to visit Asheville again! My family and I loved it!
(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)

4 replies
  1. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    All I can say is WOW! Looks like antique heaven. my husband doesn't care too much for antique stores either, but he comes along because I say please. Those candlesticks are beautiful, I can't wait to see a picture of them in your home.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Thank you! It was antique heaven! We really did enjoy it. We were in the store for over an hour which is rare when I am with my husband. Fun, fun!

  2. Mary
    Mary says:

    You must be a misplaced Southern Belle, Mrs. Shockley! (and I can't believe I'm actually commenting on yet another blog post – two in one day which is more than I've done in the entire year) Those pretty trees you saw in Savannah were Crepe Myrtles. You are holding what my grandmother called girandoles – fancy candlesticks! Please tell me you subscribe to Southern Living and Garden & Gun. How you ever ended up in the midwest is a mystery because you were born to live in the South.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Oh Mary, this made me laugh out loud! Seriously, it did! I hear this all the time and please continue to comment. I love chatting with readers! I love those trees in Savannah. I wish we could have stayed longer but it's okay. We will try again later. Thank you for telling me what those candlesticks were called. That put a huge smile on my face. I do subscribe to Southern Living and watch their videos on Youtube. I also read Victoria Classics magazines, Martha Stewart, Elle Decor, Veranda, anything to do with living beautifully. And I don't know how I ended up in the midwest. We visit South Carolina all the time and I love it there. But I have a feeling Mary I won't always live in Indiana……

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