In Savannah…

I have always wanted to visit Savannah. I have always pictured myself as a southern belle kinda of gal. And I was so excited when my husband added this to our list of places to visit while heading down to Florida.
So after a restful night at the hotel in Asheville, we packed up our bags and headed to Savannah! We drove by Forsyth Park and I could not get any pictures of it because my husband was looking for a parking spot!
We ended up parking on the same street as Lady and Sons. We then walked around and took a few pictures of downtown before heading into the restaurant. 

Love these trolleys! So charming….

Pretty trees in the park

Taking in some of the historical views on River Street

Spotted this gorgeous necklace in the Banana Republic store in 
Savannah. It is called the Sea Life Focal Necklace.

Once we finished walking around we headed into Lady and Son’s. We walked around the gift shop and I could not take my eyes off this floral arrangement. 

I love the tiny roses on the vase. 

After we finished dinner this “guy” was walking around greeting everyone!
It was Paula Dean’s husband. Very nice man! 
I enjoyed Savannah and hope to return soon!
(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)