My Fruit Fusion Water Bottle

Goodness gracious it has been so hot here in Indiana! I know we shouldn’t complain because we have horrible winters here but I am sorry it’s hot!

I had a visit with my O.B. recently and I told her that I have been dizzy lately. Without blinking an eye she said, “You don’t drink enough water”. I just sighed. So I made a mental note to start working on that immediately.

My family and I were at the mall and went into Dick’s Sporting Goods. Not really my kinda of shopping but I have to honor my husband to. He always goes where I want. We were just looking around when I spotted the Fruit Fusion Water Bottle by Carrie Underwood.

This is a photo of my bottle at home. We purchased bags of frozen fruit and it works wonderfully. The frozen fruit keeps it cold and flavors the water at the same time. I absolutely love it and carry it everywhere I go. 
If you are not a big water drinker maybe you should try a fruit fusion water bottle. It may change your mind. 
Thanks for reading!!
(photo via Mrs. Shockley)