My Visit to the Biltmore ~ part 2

Here is the second part of the tour. Now I did not take pictures of everything. There was just too much but my family and I really enjoyed the tour and the home.

This space was outside on the balcony. So serene….

The library….

The ceiling in the library… breathtaking isn’t it?

I could not get over the details in the ceilings!

Mrs. Vanderbilt’s room

The bowling alley….

The swimming pool

The kitchen…

The servant breakfast room. This looks better than some of our rooms!

A room full blue and white vases!

The gentlemen quarters

The outside balcony….so gorgeous!
The Biltmore was just glorious and I am so grateful that I got to see it. It was a wonderful opportunity to see something historical and beautiful. It was also great to see my family’s faces when we approached the home. Just smiles all over.
Here is my personal video of the view from the Biltmore
(all photos & video via Mrs. Shockley)