Principles of a Gracious Life ~ Contentment

My home

“If we can attain satisfaction with what we have in our lives, it will bring us happiness and grace. In our present condition, if we’re able to solve our inner problems and affirm life, we will be in harmony with our expectations. In any situation, we can be appeased and self-contained, and gratify ourselves with realistic desires. Whenever we make the best of whatever situation we find ourselves in, we are essentially living a gracious life.”

~The Principles of a Gracious Life
by Alexandra Stoddard

11 replies
  1. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    It's funny you posted this quote. I was just thinking of Ms. Stoddard….I have all her books and reread them from time to time. She was one of the first to write books on gracious living and her words are still true today.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Indeed Kathleen! I stumbled on her books for looking for Thirty Chic Days. I want to purchase her book about Gracious Living. I viewed it for free on Amazon and it looks like a wonderful book!

  2. galant
    galant says:

    I've not seen you blog before, Mrs Shockley, I came to it via the sidebar on How to be Chic (Fiona Ferris.) I love this room which I presume is yours and not that of Alexandra Stoddard? How pretty it all looks and in particular the roses – flowers just lift a room, don't they? And pink roses look lovely anywhere. I have two of Ms Stoddard's books and will look out for more. Mine are from the 1980s but what she says, as with all good advice, is as relevant today as it ever was.
    Margaret P

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Thank you for stopping by Ms. Margaret! Yes, this is my blog and I am still new to the blogging world. I love beautiful living and beautiful things. I found Ms. Stoddard's books while looking for Fiona's. As I was telling Kathleen above I need to pick up her book about Gracious Living. I loved the sample that I got on my Kindle. Yours are from the 80's? How fantastic! With the world we live in today Gracious Living is something that I am seeking for daily. Thank you for stopping by!

    • galant
      galant says:

      I am in the process of getting my own blog, Mrs Shockley, but it's not happened quite yet! I've asked my computer man for assistance but I think he's on holiday, but soon I hope to have a blog where I will blog about all the things I like – interiors, historic houses and gardens, books, magazines, cooking, photography, social history, etc. Yes, we need to put the 'gracious' back into living. So much today is ungracious, people rushing around. Believe me, when I look at people in the town, well anywhere, and I think of the billions that must be being spent on clothes, shoes, makeup, hair products, etc, never have people in general looked such a mess! It just doesn't make sense, does it? I love to have my home clean and tidy, always to have flowers, to use my nice china on a daily basis, to have good soap in the bathroom (liquid soap is for the kitchen), read the lovely style magazines and buy lovely books (many of which are very inexpensive on Amazon.) I expect, as you've seen Fiona's books, you might also have seen Jennifer L Scott's books about Madame Chic? They are lovely, too, and are about being the best we can be, if only to please and uplift our own spirits and those around us.
      I do hope you enjoy blogging and I look forward to seeing more of your lovely home and reading your blog.
      Margaret P

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Indeed Galant! I agree. I wish we cared more about our appearances sometimes it just feels like a losing battle. I have heard of Jennifer L. Scott! I have all three of her books and follow all of her social media websites! I think she is great! Again, thank you for stopping by please return and I look forward to seeing your blog soon!

  3. Fiona Ferris
    Fiona Ferris says:

    I love this quote by Alexandra Stoddard and have also enjoyed her books for decades. She's such a wonderful and inspiring writer 🙂

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Yes Fiona, I found her books while looking for yours. I hope to pick up a copy of one of her books and I hope you write a sequel soon!

  4. Unknown
    Unknown says:

    I discovered Alexandra Stoddard in college. I've read several of her books, but Creating a Beautiful home is by far my fave.

    Books are another thing that people don't appreciate these days. I love having bookshelves full of books that I've read, and how I can open one up and read something again…that didn't speak to me the first time, but is just perfect for this stage in my life.

    I like to order used books from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Check this out! Alexandra Stoddard for $1.99!

    Love the blog, by the way!!

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