Principles of Gracious Living ~ Authenticity

photo credit Aerin Lauder Instagram account

“When we are true to ourselves and to others when our character is one of integrity, we have the quality of being authentic. Our personality is genuine, absolute, and reliable, and therefore worthy of trust and credibility. When we believe in ourselves, we are free to grow in our own soil, in the direction of our pure nature, which is grace-filled.”

~The Principles of a Gracious Life

by Alexandra Stoddard

(photo via Facebook)
2 replies
  1. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    This is my first comment on your lovely blog. I just wanted to say I spent some time over a few days reading through your past posts and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Thank you for sharing your gracious live. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Mrs. Shockley
    Mrs. Shockley says:

    Thank you Sandra for the comment! I always love to hear from people! You see the traffic on your blog but it's always a lovely bonus when readers comment. I hope to hear from you again soon!

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