The Details of Home ~ 2

Small details around one’s home are everything. I love going to visit a friend or going to a home show and viewing all the “small details”. I look at everything. I look at the paint colors, plates, towels, carpets, the floors, bed linens, I mean you name it I pay attention to all the details of home.

Home can be a wonderful place. It is a place of safety and serenity. I wrote a post about 2 years ago called Small Details Around the Home”.  This post is a continuation of the details around my home. I have made some changes and have added some things. I do enjoy my home and I am very grateful for what I have.

My black and white chairs that I picked up at Costco.

My sitting room. To get the details on my pillows see here.

Our bedroom. I love my wing~back bed. To get the details on the bed see here.
My home office

Fresh flowers in the bedroom

My kitchen chandelier. I still love it! To see the details click here.
A new chandelier in my closet. 

My elegant arm candy.

Fresh flowers everywhere in my home…

My art on my wall in the office.

My favorite body spritz perfume (Amazing Grace).
The bottle says:
Philosophy: how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get 
down the mountain. and so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big
gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. in the end, it all comes down to one word.
grace. it’s how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck,
the darkness and the light. 

Roses in my home office. To see more of the candles click here.
The scent in this photo is called “Garden”. 

The new dinner plates I found at T.J. Maxx. I love blue and white dinnerware. 

Lilies in my blue and white vase in the family room.
I hope you enjoyed the small details of my home. I hope to do another post soon showing other details of my home that I enjoy. Remember celebrate you life and do not let toxic people stop you from seeing the wonder in your life because they can’t see theirs. 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

12 replies
  1. Mechelle L.
    Mechelle L. says:

    Hi! I'm new to your blog, but you've inspired me so much already! Because of you, I'm committing to purchase one bouquet a week. I'll make two arrangments from the bouquet – one for work and one for home. Please keep doing what you do!!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Mechelle! Welcome! Thank you for stopping by! I always love chatting with readers. It's so great! I am glad you are inspired to buy flowers. It's a great way to bring beauty into you life. Please continue to stop by and chat with me and thank you for the encouragement. It is needed!

  2. Fiona Ferris
    Fiona Ferris says:

    Hi Mrs Shockley, what a gorgeous post! Like Mechelle, you have inspired me to buy flowers when no-one else has (and many people talk about buying flowers weekly). My first bunch last week are gone now, and I am so excited to choose some more today 🙂 Your home is absolutely beautiful and I've loved seeing the details.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Fiona! As always it is great to hear from you. Thank you so much for finding the time to stop by. It is so wonderful to hear from other women how I have encouraged them and thank you for the compliment on my home! I do the best I can with what I have. I am learning that gratefulness is key.

  3. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    I love seeing bits of your home. it gives a perspective of who you are as a person. you have created beautiful vignettes and inspiration. We do love our flowers, and having a fresh bouquet in the home and office puts a smile on my face.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Mrs. Shery! Love hearing from you! Thank you for the compliments. Your home is fabulous too! I hope you know that! Yes ma'am we do love our flowers and I love seeing yours too! Thank you for sharing you life with me also. I love seeing it and the girls!

  4. galant
    galant says:

    Your photos are a pure joy to see. I love your flowers – I tried to buy some in the supermarket today but they choices were very limited and I look for specific flowers in specific colours – I wanted pink roses for our bedroom, but the only ones were past their best (and for flowers that wouldn't last five minutes, too expensive). I love to see your paintings, too. So many people hang art far too high, don't they? A painting, if it's just one, should be hung so the centre is roughly eye level for a medium-height person. And if you have a lot of pictures to hang, it's best to treat the whole lot as if one painting in the space that is available – you will know what I mean. I love all that arm candy, too! All so very pretty but tasteful, too.
    Margaret P

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Margaret,
      Thank you for stopping by! I am glad you are seeking out flowers. I hope you find some and I agree with you about not "settling" for any kind of flowers. Get what you want. I know I do. When it comes to art I do my very best trying to hang it. I like to look at it. I agree that it should be hung at eye level. And thank you for the compliment about my photos being tasteful. That is my goal always.

  5. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    You have also inspired me to use more flowers in my home. The small vignettes in your home are beautiful and I'm sure enjoyed by you each day.
    Another lovely post…thank you.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Sandra, Hi there! I do love flowers and everyone around me knows it. There is just something about having a bouquet at home or work. I even bring in fresh flowers in "dead" winter. The women in my building just smile when they see me coming and we have 7 inches of snow outside. I say, "Well I am in this office for 8 hours a day, beauty must be with me".

  6. Mary
    Mary says:

    You have a charming blog, Mrs. Shockley! Somewhere you commented that there was so much darkness, why not elegance? I totally agree and salute you for addressing the tragedy of ugliness by celebrating beauty and elegance. I was particularly affected today by the philosophy of the Amazing Grace body spritz featured above. A long life often is accompanied by great loss and sadness, but I was reminded that getting DOWN the mountain is every bit as important as the climb – perhaps more so. Thank you for the reminder.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Mary,
      Thank for the compliment! You never can tell how people will view your blog. I just want to be genuine at how I live my life and I do believe what I said about elegance. We have SOO much darkness in this world why not be elegant? And we have to constantly remind each other about going down those mountains. I have to remind myself that I will get through this and I will get through it with grace. Thank you for stopping by Mary. Please come back and chat again soon!

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