A Lush Georgia Farm

Entertaining is always a wonderful thing. I love learning from interior designers about how they live and entertain family and friends. It was very rewarding to find this wonderful article in Veranda a couple of months ago.

Keith Robinson an interior designer shared his tips on entertaining. I love his home which is called Redwine Plantation located in the southwest part of Atlanta.

photo credit Thomas Loof
A feast for the eyes. | Photo: @loof39, Design: Keith Robinson:
photo credit Thomas Loof 

Robinson hosts family and friends under his lush magnolia trees. Oh, magnifique!

photo credit Thomas Loof 

He uses gleaming glassware, antique china and vintage flatware. “Using fine things in the garden creates magic“, he says. I couldn’t agree more… 
photo credit Thomas Loof 

Robinson grows every vegetable imaginable and uses them in his meals. When guests arrive he puts a drink in their hands walks them about the garden and takes them to the staging area where the meal is waiting. This table is set under blooming Lady Banks roses. Lovely isn’t it?

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. It was just lovely….
( to read the original article see here.)
(photos and text via Veranda.com)