My Dinner Rotation Meals

Keeping a home schedule is very important to me. Earlier this year I talked about having An Elegant Routine and in that entry I talked about my dinner rotation list.

Every week I head to the grocery store. I am not one to stock up on food. I don’t know why but I like going every week. I like talking with the florist and I like talking with the cashiers.

It’s nice to have some “people time”. I always write out a grocery list on Friday nights. I keep the same meals through out the week and we shift days but the meals stay the same.

Right now the meals that we rotate are: roasted chicken with olive oil and salt, red potatoes with olive oil and salt, steamed broccoli, french bread, rigatoni with herbs and meat sauce, chicken fingers with steamed rice and veggies, taco salad, chicken fettuccine, turkey sausage and steamed rice, fried chicken with mashed potatoes and veggies and bundt pan pizza (see recipe here).  

During the fall and winter I will pull out some of these dishes and replace them with chili, pot roast, potatoes and carrots, crock pot chicken with Campbell’s cream of chicken soup and baked spaghetti.

Below are some photos of some of our meals and video from my fav author Jennifer L. Scott and she talks about her meals with her family which are simple and easy. Enjoy!

Fried chicken meal

Panko crusted chicken meal (see recipe here)
Meat sauce with fresh herbs and rigatoni
(My daughter’s favorite)

Lemon crusted chicken

Bundt pan pizza
I love french bread! To learn about the dipping oil see here.

Another fried chicken meal. My family and I love chicken!

Another meal that I make is baked salmon. I have that once a week and I usually make it for myself. My husband and daughter do not like seafood. 

I hope you enjoy the video!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    I'm so glad that someone else has a number of meals on rotation. My mother had a saying ' let the over do the work' (this was before crockpots), so I always try to use the oven or crock pot, which frees up TIME! I can't wait to try the bundt pan pizza. Thanks for reminding me about the Pillsbury French Bread….I used to buy that and love the smell.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  2. Mrs. Shockley
    Mrs. Shockley says:

    Oh yes, Ms. Kathleen! I like having some of our favorites on rotation. It takes the "whats for dinner" conversation out of the evening. I use to hate coming home and trying to figure out what I should cook. The Pillsbury french bread is the best! I love it for dinner and for breakfast. It is so good in the mornings with scramble eggs.

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