Elegant Cover-Ups

How many of us have had a heel snap or a button burst? I know I have and anytime you go out myriad things can go wrong.

And as Kate Spade put it in her book Manners when these things happen, laugh, throwback your shoulders, and move on.

I have been reading this book for the last couple of months and in the section called, ” Dressing Disasters: Slips, Rips, and Broken Heels”, Kate gives wonderful advice on how to handle these mishaps.

~ The blouse with the missing button-  You notice this during a business lunch. If you’re wearing a blazer, draw it closer; otherwise, pull up your napkin to cover the offending wink of skin. 

photo credit Ilyas Bolatov

~ A hole in one-– You walk into a room, sit down, and realize you’ve got a large run in your stocking. Excuse yourself and remove the stockings. Even on a cold day, a bare leg is preferable.  (I have done this a number of times)

~ Great dress, wrong bra– When you put on your sleeveless dress it didn’t occur to you to check that no straps showed in back. If you have a shawl or sweater, drape it over your shoulders, or ask a friend to borrow hers. 

photo credit Charisse Kenion 

~ You’re stepping out of the car and whoops- the heel on your shoe breaks off. Ask yourself which looks funnier- one barefoot with one shoe, or two bare feet? Sometimes it makes more sense to jettison both shoes. 

~ The one time you borrow clothes from your best friend, disaster strikes– the zipper breaks, buttons burst, or you become a magnet for mustard. The sooner you can change, the better. Afterward, be honest and tell your friend what happened; inform her you’ll have the garment repaired and dry cleaned. Return it with a short note and a small token expressing your appreciation. 

~ You missed the fine print- you’re the only one in formal wear. Slip off your jewelry, unpin your hair, and quickly wipe off excess “party” makeup. Then flag down the nearest waiter with the champagne tray. 

~ You thought the restaurant was casual, when in fact it’s dressy, as are all the people already there. Comb your hair, apply lipstick, and don a confident smile, then glide to your table as though you were in ermine ( and pray for a banquette seat). Once the table’s pushed in, who will know you’re in jeans?

~ Your date sees the tags you forgot to remove hanging inside of your new coat. Laugh it off, then quickly get into your coat and head out the door. 

These were some fun and helpful cover-ups from Kate Spade. I do hope that you enjoyed these and that you think about picking up her book. It is quite delightful.

4 replies
    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Paula,
      Thank you for dropping by! Ha! I know… trying to remember all of these pointers would be difficult!

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