Traveling to South Carolina

Well, by the time some of you read this post I will be on the plane (trying not to scream my head off) traveling to South Carolina.

I will be there all this week taking a leadership training course that I have been wanting to take for some time now. I am a paralegal with the United States Attorney’s Office and I am hoping to be a paralegal supervisor someday.

This course teaches you the requirements, strengths, and leadership skills that one would need to become an excellent leader. I am really looking forward to this and will enjoy it. I will return next week. I don’t know if I will be doing any “blog research” at that time but I will try to share some of the fun things I did while I was there. Enjoy your week!

Photo by S.R. Young on Unsplash

5 replies
  1. My Cottage Diary
    My Cottage Diary says:

    Have a great week at your seminar, Mrs. Shockley! I am a retired paralegal. It could be a tough "gig" at times so I can appreciate the value of the work you do. I'm enjoying your blog! Blessings, Bess

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Bess,
      Thank you for stopping by! You're a retired paralegal? That is wonderful! How long were you working?

    • My Cottage Diary
      My Cottage Diary says:

      Hello! I had tried to respond when I read your question, but it wouldn't work for me at the time. I was a paralegal for 21+ years, so not quite half of my working life; did a variety of other things before, but then settled into being a paralegal. It is very interesting work, I think! I retired at 62 (I'm now 64) to be a caregiver to my brother. It's all good! Have been enjoying your pretty posts! Many blessings to you and yours, Bess

  2. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,
    Congratulations on choosing to take this course to advance your career. I did something similar to improve my career and I am so proud that I did. I know you will garner every last drop of information from this experience and be all the better for it. It helped to improve my self esteem at work and I know you will feel the same, when you complete the course. AND it's in a beautiful state!

    Warmly, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Indeed Kathleen! It was a wonderful opportunity and I am glad that I was able to go. Attending training opportunities does seem to expand your self esteem and help you feel more well-rounded and I definitely enjoyed the weather and the scenery.

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