My Visit to The National Mall in Washington

On our first day in D.C. my husband wanted to see the National Mall. After we visited the museum we walked over to the monuments. The good thing about the National Mall is that everything is close or it seems that way.

The Washington Monument 
On foot everything seems to be miles apart!! No kidding! You will definitely get your steps in when you visit. 
This monument is so huge! It took my breath away walking up to it. 
The World War II Monument
After staring at the Washington Monument and the World War II monument we decided to walk down and see the Lincoln Memorial.
I am sorry but I immediately thought of Forrest and Jenny when we walked by this. 
It was huge and crowded!!
But definitely worth seeing….
Looking out….
And standing where Dr. Martin Luther King gave his legendary speech….
After walking all of this on foot we decided to head out and have dinner. 
Only to return tomorrow and take the night bike tour….
We visited all the same spots on the bike tour but we did not get to see this on foot which was wonderful. The MLK monument….
His quotes surrounded his monument.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that. 
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that”. ~ MLK (1963)
The sun began to set and we came back around to the World War II monument.
Beautiful isn’t it?
We rode our bikes back to the Lincoln Memorial.
Very pretty at night….
The Capitol at night….
We finished our bike tour early and my husband asked if we could stop by the White House.
We did a quick “ride by” and I just could not stop staring. I didn’t care who was in office at that moment, I just wanted to enjoy the beauty of this building. 
Visiting the National Mall was the best experience that I have ever had. I loved being able to bring my family on this business trip with me so that they could see the sights! It was so worth it! We hardly spent any money on seeing everything. It was beautiful and I hope that we can do it again soon.
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    What a memorable trip you all had. It's a history lesson and a beautiful sight all at once. It was great that your family was able to join you on this business trip. I can't wait to visit!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Yes, it was a memorable trip! I loved that we got to see all of the history and learn more about our country. I can't wait for you to go and see some of your pictures!

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