Traveling to New York ~ 2017

I am headed out this week for a family vacation to New York! The last time we went to New York was in 2014, see my blog post here about it. We really enjoy it and there is so much to see and do.

On the list this year is to visit the Freedom Tower Observation Deck. Although, I am afraid of heights I will not let that stop me from seeing all the beauty of New York. 

The next place I would like to visit is the new Laudree store in Soho. I visited the one on Madison Avenue, see here if you missed it. This location is bigger and serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner! I am hoping to pop in for some dessert.

And of course, pick up some delicious macarons. I loved the lily of the valley flavor. I don’t know if they still have it but I am looking for to trying all the new flavors! 

I hope that we can take a walk through Central Park this year. The last time we were here we were in such a hurry to see all of the tourists’ stuff that we had to rush through. I am hoping to take our time this year. 

We have seen Rockefeller Center, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, my husband, and step-sons have been to a Yankees game. It was actually right before Derek Jeter retired. We have been to Times Square, Giants Stadium, Columbia University, and Harlem. We have seen a lot in New York. This will be our third trip! I am excited about this visit and look forward to spending time with family and friends. I will finish up my Washington, D.C. blog posts when I return. Have a great week!  

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    I can't wait to hear about your vacation to N.Y. when you return. It's so funny, I reside about 4 hours from N.Y. and have yet to visit. I think I'm already feeling inspired by you to go!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Oh Mya you live so close! You must take a day trip. Just keep it simple. Go and see some of the sights, have lunch and return home. Be as patient as you can and don't let people ruin your trip just enjoy it!

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