A Lunch Break at the Symphony

Earlier this month I attended a symphony during my lunch break! It was a wonderful experience. A co-worker of mine sent me an email called the “Lunch Break Series” with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra.

I had never heard of it before but apparently they have it every year in July. So I looked at the list of music that they had available and I purchased a ticket for the Classically Romantic Series.

I couldn’t wait to go and see what it was going to be like. So on Friday I stopped at Subway and ordered my sandwich and drink and headed to the theatre.

Walking inside
I went inside to find my seat and wait for my friend. 
I sat down and looked around. There were people of all ages and children. 
It was nice to be able to send eat your sandwich and enjoy the music! The conductor’s name was Ruth Reinhart and the music that they played was Overture to Egmont, Op. 84 by Ludwig Van Beethoven, Three Dances from the Bartered Bride by Bedrich Semetana and Romeo and Juliet Overture-Fantasy by Piotr llyich Tchaikovsky. 

My friend and I both sat and listened to the music. It was very serene and lovely. It was so nice doing something different for a lunch break for a change. The session was about 45 minutes. It was just enough time to get back to the office.
I wanted to attend the following Friday’s session. It was called the “Music of John Williams”. The conductor was Richard Kaufman and it was mostly Star Wars music. I am not a Star Wars fan but there was one piece that was going to be played that I wanted to hear and it was the music from the movie “Sabrina”. I love both versions but the 1995 version is my favorite. 
I can’t wait until next year. I am hoping to attend more concerts like this in the future. 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley & Google)

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Wow! That sounds lovely. I sure wish we had something like that in our small town in Pennsylvania. What a relaxing way to break up the work day.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      It was such a nice event and a great way to break up the day. I was so glad that my co-worker told me about it. I would have never known it existed.

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