A Walk through the Tudors

Walking around New York provided great scenery and discovery moments on it’s own. We were walking around with a friend and he wanted to show us his job site. He is an engineer in Manhattan and has worked on many building projects. Near his job site was a pretty and very quite neighborhood called “Tudor City”.

It is a very quite neighborhood with plenty of small parks around to enjoy. We saw people sitting in them reading and have conversations with family and friends. 

Some of the views weren’t “too bad” either. Just look at this view…. wow….

We saw this before seeing the United Nations Headquarters building. Very interesting….
“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks, Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation, Neither shall they learn war any more.”


It was a nice walk and the United Nations building was very beautiful. I really enjoyed walking through this neighborhood and told my husband that if we could afford it we would definitely have a place there. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)