My Stroll through Central Park

I have been wanting to walk through Central Park for sometime now. I told my husband that this year would be the year that we would take the time to go and see it.

And so we did….

It was such a nice day!!!!

Beautiful detailing on the stairs….

People taking boat rides

Then we went to an underpass and saw this. Wow…..

There was artwork everywhere. 
She said that it took her 6 hours to make these!

I purchased this one. 

Pretty gardens everywhere….

A few statutes….

Reminds me of Home Alone 2 Lost in New York….

After walking under the bridge, we found this neat little hut….

Pretty high up but great view.

This was a wonderful little spot. They had benches inside for you to sit an enjoy the view. 

Pretty little flowers hanging from above.
And like I said, the view was spectacular. I really hope that we can revisit Central Park.

It was quite lovely. 

(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)

4 replies
  1. Amelia
    Amelia says:

    I live in New York and have been in Central Park many times; however, I want to go back and see it through your eyes. Thank you.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Amelia,
      Thank you for stopping by! You live in New York? Wow!!! To have access to this beautiful park is a dream to me. My husband LOVES New York. For me, I love all the different places that one could dine and walk.

  2. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    how beautiful, its piece of paradise in the city. You took wonderful photos of the park. Love the art you purchased!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      It does seem like a little paradise in the city. It felt like it. It was so quite and serene. But once you left it the traffic and the people were right outside of it. I loved it and would love to visit it again.

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