New Heights at the Freedom Tower

In 2014, my family and I visited New York and we went to Rockefeller Center. Now I have to admit that I am a little more frightened at the top of that building than the Freedom Tower. If you wish to see my post about Rockefeller Center you can view it here.

The next place on the list was the Observation Deck at the Freedom Tower.  We didn’t know what to expect but it turned out really great….

Before heading over to the Tower, we had a quick stop at the Four Seasons Hotel downtown.
I needed a quick bathroom break and I am glad I did!

It turned out to be a really snazzy room!

Sorry for the weird bathroom photos but I love beautiful spaces!

Very beautiful hotel.
So we headed on over to the tower and our friend took us inside this space….

I was not quite sure what it was….
We continued to walk inside…

And it turned out to be a mall!

And a very beautiful one at that….

After walking around the mall for a bit we then went outside and headed toward the tower.
We visited the 9/11 memorial. 

Very pretty

So scary being under it.
We went inside and saw the intro video for the space. It talked about the process of building the Freedom Tower and all the time that went into it. After that there was an introduction to the space and the attendants talked about devices that they had that would give you a tour of the scenery. 
Sorry I didn’t take any photos of that. I was trying to enjoy the moment also. 

But the view was incredible! 

More information about the space.

Both bridges in the distance

It really is a concrete jungle. 

Here is a photo of inside the space. 
It really was a great opportunity to see the city. Inside the observation deck was a restaurant and plenty of bathrooms. The space was very comfortable and there were a lot of people around. I am sure it would be absolutely breathtaking at night. 
I wish we could have done that but maybe some other time. I hope you enjoyed my posts about our trip to New York. It was a great trip as always.
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)