Walking the Brooklyn Bridge
We took a break on a Thursday to re-cooperate and get ready for the next day because my husband made it clear that we were going to the Brooklyn Bridge and I knew it was going to be hot!!
So the next morning we got up and set out on our day. Keep in mind that we you visit New York City that you will walk everywhere and I mean everywhere! But it is a great way to get in all the sights. We walked through downtown and headed up the steps to what I feared was going to be too high for my liking but it actually turned out to be quite marvelous….

So magnificent….

It was a hot day

Building projects in the distance
The white line had a rule, bikers to the left and walkers to the right
(depending on which way you were facing)

Walking over the cars…..

Grand view

The Freedom Tower off in the distance.

The history of the bridge.

There were some pockets of shade on the bridge. The breeze was nice and it was
a perfect moment to see the view.

We stayed for a while and then starting walking down.
It was a nice moment and I am glad that my husband finally got to see it.
He had been talking about it for a long time now. Another bucket list item checked off.
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)