A Recent Purchase….

Well, I finally purchased a blue and white tea cup set. I found it on Ebay. It’s funny I didn’t realize it until a few days ago but the same cup that I purchased on Ebay was the same cup that I had on my inspiration grid at work.

This is my inspiration grid. It has things that I love. I have a room in the middle that is from a French hotel. I love the furniture! I have my dream Chanel bag. Peonies from my bouquet last year. A chateau that is for sale in Normandy and last but not least the blue and white tea cup that I found on Pinterest and that I just loved.

Here is the photo on Ebay. I seriously didn’t realize it was the same cup until the day before it shipped! Uncanny right?
So I made an offer and it was accepted! I received it on Friday and here it is below. 
Now it is exactly as she said in the description, I just didn’t realize that it would be so small. 
But I have to keep in mind that these cups are from the 40’s and everything was in smaller portion sizes back then. I still love it but the search continues for my blue and white cup. I do love my new set that I picked up last week. 
I do love these cups. They were such a wonderful find! I sort of wish I would have picked up those crystal vases too! Oh well all the more reason to continue to go antiquing!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    Love your new tea cup and saucer. It's beautiful and dainty. It will fit in perfectly with your other blue and white china.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      I do love it but it is really small! So the quest continues….. I am a little excited that I get to keep looking.

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