Teacup Organizing

I really miss Martha Stewart being on cable T.V. I know that she has her Potluck Show with Snoop Dogg but what I miss is her old show with all the learning material that she shared. I learned so MUCH from those shows. At that time I was a young wife and new mother so the Martha Stewart Show was my cookbook, my sewing book, organizational book, I mean you name it!

I often find myself going to her website and looking for old vintage Martha Stewart shows on Youtube. There is a guy by the name of Joseph Patz who has a vintage Martha Stewart channel on Youtube if you are interested.

I was looking at my messy and unorganized cabinet recently. I stood and thought I need to organize this. What came to mind was Martha’s episode called, “How to Display a Collection in a Cabinet.”

I immediately started stacking my teacups in all my cabinets and it looked so orderly and wonderful that I had to share it.

Before the stacking….

Better, much better!

Doesn’t it look great? And what’s so funny is that my cups are from the Martha Stewart Collection! I just love it. You can watch the video here if you are interested. Happy Organizing! 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)