A Friend’s Home Tour

A lot of my friends know that I enjoy beautiful things and spaces. My friend Lindsay lives on the east coast either New York or D.C. (I can’t remember) but she is always on the move. She came home for the holidays to spend time with family. She inboxed me once she went home because some of the rooms in her mother’s home reminded her of me and I was so glad that she did! I loved all the rooms and just love her mother’s decor! I was so happy when Lindsay said that it was okay for me to share some of the photos on the blog.

Isn’t this buffet table gorgeous? And I spy blue and white underneath!

Love the blue and white on the tree!
Aren’t the wing-back chairs great?
Love the table and chairs along with the blue and white rug! I must find this!
Aren’t the chair slip covers so charming? I love the lace table cover.
Love the blue and white in the kitchen!
The prints and knick-knacks are so chic!
I even love this vintage bench sitting in front of the stair case. I love receiving these photos from my friend and found some items that I am inspired to look for. 
Thanks Lindsay for the photos! 
They are truly living elegant everyday!

(photos via Lindsay D.)
2 replies
  1. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    Such a beautiful home you have shared. I love the beautiful leaded glass windows and huge trees I spy outside. Love all the touches of blue and white. That buffet is lovely, I need one for my dining room as well. I love that beautiful blue and white rug in the dining room. Such a beautiful home, thank you Lindsey and Mrs. Shockley for sharing it with us all!

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