My Inslee Calendar

Oh my goodness!!! I have been an Inslee fan for a few years now! I first saw her work on another blogger’s page. I just admire her artwork. It is truly beautiful.

I signed up for her emails so I get notices about sales. Well she recently had a sale on her 2018 calendars. I had to order one.

It arrived in this wonderful box. It is very sturdy and chic!
Opening up the package….
Beautiful illustrations and the easel comes with it!
I have to say this one is my favorite! I am headed to D.C. again next month for work. Fingers crossed that I get to see the cherry blossom trees! I certainly hope I do!
I noticed her little Chanel inspired pumps in the illustration and realized that I have the same pair! Well isn’t that chic? Please visit Inslee’s website and view her work. You can also Google some of her paintings and illustrations. They are truly exquisite! 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

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