Anniversary Lunch at the CakeBake Shop

It was our 14 year wedding anniversary last week. We have been together for 15 years total. It has been a long time. This year I wanted to have lunch at the Cake Bake Shop. My husband and I went there in 2016 for lunch (see here) and I have been wanting to go back ever since!

The owner Gwendolyn has redecorated for the spring and there are more flowers and fu-fu than ever before! It was my feminine mother-ship!

Faux flowers cascading down the sign. 
Walking up 
These faux cherry blossom trees were just gorgeous!

This is one of my favorite photos. Doesn’t this look so dreamy?

An up-close look at the counter
Wonderful aren’t they? Does everyone see those huge macaroons?
This is where you would have tea with friends. It is a charming room.

You can also buy some of the china! I seriously would like to buy a cup and saucer. 
So my husband and I sat down to order and this was the view from my seat.
So lovely….

The benches
I ordered the chicken salad sandwich on croissant with arugula salad.

My husband had the three cheese cavatappi with breadcrumbs and baguette. 

And for dessert we both ordered the caramel salt cake which is not on the spring menu at this time. 

We got it on the last day. 
We had a lovely lunch and got everything packed up and ready to go. 

I had a separate order for a co-worker also. She wanted to try some of the cake. 

Before leaving I had to visit the ladies room but saw this in there. I think this is brilliant and my have to use this idea in my bathroom. I love the tea cart idea!!!

A chandelier in the bathroom, how fitting. 
Coming back to my seat. I just could not get enough of this faux cherry blossom tree! Isn’t it exquisite?

This was in the window next to the dinning area. It was so sweet!
I had a wonderful time with my husband and cannot wait to visit her new location!!
That’s right she is opening a second location soon and it is suppose to be bigger. 
I am so looking forward to it!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley, all photos are my own)

6 replies
  1. sadie c
    sadie c says:

    how lovely. cake and gorgeousness, who could ask for more!
    Congratulations to you and your husband. Our 14th anniversary is this coming December! :O)

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Sadie,
      Thank you and you are so right who could ask for anything more! I so love going here and look forward to the new location. Congrats on your pending anniversary too!

  2. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,
    Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful place to celebrate…caramel cake is my favorite! If we ever visit your city, CakeBake is at the top of my list.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Thank you Kathleen! If you are ever in my city let me know I would love to see you in person!

  3. Arabella Baldwin
    Arabella Baldwin says:

    Happy Anniversary, and congratulations on the achievement of 14 years! What a charming shop – perfect for a romantic luncheon. Also – thank you for posting – I enjoy your blog and look forward to your posts. They are full of inspiration, sometimes in little, overlooked things, which helps open my eyes to the everyday beauty around me. And you always seem to find such good restaurants and shops, and have fun with them!

  4. Mrs. Shockley
    Mrs. Shockley says:

    Hello Arabella,
    Thank you for reading my blog! I do try to enjoy beauty everywhere. It is very hard sometimes but I try. And I love finding beautiful places around my city. Please stop by again!

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