Candy Shop Vintage in Charleston

Roaming around Charleston is the best way to see it. Exploring all the nooks and crannies of the city is the perfect way to find new stores. Like this jewel below….

This is Candy Shop Vintage. It is a wonderful store if you enjoy vintage earrings and jewelry like me. I wanted so many pieces from the store but I refrained and only purchased one pair. 

Splendid aren’t they?

I felt like Marella Agnelli wearing this. It just felt iconic!
The sales associate there was so nice. She allowed me to try on as many pieces as I wanted. She was superb. 

Macaron trinket boxes… a perfect gift. 

I actually own one of those golden swans! I didn’t realize that it was vintage!

So many marvelous pieces…..

Of course I had to purchase a pair of vintage earrings. 

I adore these. I paid about $40 for them and they are clip-on earrings. They are a wonderful size and are comfortable. The sales associate said that they do ship! So if you see something online go ahead and order it. It’s a great way to get an outstanding vintage piece that no one else will have. 

It was so wonderful walking around in this area. We found a great bakery called the Sugar Bakeshop. It smelled wonderful as soon as you walked in. I was not able to get any treats because it was so hot and I did not want it to melt. I did end up going to Mac & Murphy. It was a nice little shop but I did not see anything that I wanted. 
We also did stumble onto a place called the Flowershop. It was closed but they did let us look around. It was beautiful and bijou. 
I really did enjoy my visit to these stores and hope that one day in the near future I can visit again. 
Thanks for reading!!!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)