Our Visit to The Magnolia Plantation in Charleston

Sorry for the delay and non-post on Monday. I was having some Google trouble and had to wait a day to fix it. I have been trying to get the photos together for this post. I knew that I had a lot and that it would take awhile to download them to the blog. But without further ado……

On our second day in Charleston last month my family and I decided to visit Magnolia Plantation & Gardens. The plantation was founded in 1676 and has survived the centuries and important events such as the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. 

We drove down this magnificent path and just took in all the land and the gardens. 
During the month of July the plantation had $5 days where all of the tours were just $5! We signed up for the home tour, garden tour and boat tour. Look at these magnificent trees! 

There were enormous butterflies everywhere. 

We began in the biblical garden. 
“Give fools their gold and knaves their power,
Let fortune’s bubbles rise and fall,
Who sows a field or trains a flower
or plants a tree, is more than all”.

Descriptions everywhere to read. 

John 12:13
The large “feathery” leaves of phoenix dactylifera, the date palm that is native to palestine, were used as emblems of victory or triumph.
When our Lord entered Jerusalem, the people “too branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him”. 
The middle is shaped like a cross.

Next was our tour of the home. Unfortunately, they did not allowed pictures inside while the tour was going on. Sorry!

It is striking. I can’t believe this house was built that long ago. 
Walking up to the porch. So stately!

Look at how vast this porch is! It was big enough to be a whole house!

Love this photo. It is a photo of the backyard. 
My husband, daughter and me.
Next, we took the boat tour around the grounds. 

This use to be where they made rice. There were lots of small alligators around.
After the boat tour and we walked the grounds a bit more. 

My husband taking pictures in the distance.

It was dreadfully hot! 
Beautiful blooms around the property.

A great place to have a wedding. 

I did manage to find some magnolias. Glorious aren’t they?
I almost forget to mention that peacocks roamed the property! I mean how elegant is that?

I did look around the gift shop and spotted some blue and white pieces. 
Honestly, my family and I has wonderful time and I truly enjoyed just walking around and discovering all of the features of this home. If you are ever in Charleston, I would highly recommend it. 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)