Happy Thanksgiving!

(my home last year)
Goodness…. another Thanksgiving is here already. It’s been 5 years since we built this house. My step-son will be graduating this coming May from high school and will be joining his brother in the “real world”. My daughter will be a freshman is high school this fall! I just can’t believe how fast the years are going by. 
I will be taking the rest of the week off from the blog. I am just going to enjoy my time off and enjoy my family. I am NOT going out on Black Friday. I never do! I did however see some wonderful items on Ann Taylor’s website that I quickly added to my wish-list. I am trying to be strong and not buy anything. 
Well I am off to preparing for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am hosting this year. I am expecting about 15 people so we will see how this goes. My house is cleaned. I have all of my candles ready. My Christmas trees are up and my apron is wrapped around my waist as I type. Seriously enjoy your holidays with your families. I didn’t realize how fast time went until the last few years. Goodness…. it is going. Enjoy!!!
(photo via Pinterest)

4 replies
  1. maria jones
    maria jones says:

    We don't celebrate thanks giving in the UK, but I know it a huge holiday in the USA. We are just getting prepared for Christmas now. Is Christmas as big as thanks giving in America ? Xx

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Maria,
      Yes, Christmas is a big deal here. I know we love Christmas and enjoy celebrating it.

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