December Favorites

I hope you all had a great Christmas! I did…. I was so worn out from all the cooking. I try to explain to my husband that there is a lot of work that goes into putting up Christmas trees, decorating, meal planning, cooking, and wrapping presents. I enjoy it all but it is a lot of work.

Well I wanted to start of this week with my December favorites. I have enjoyed sharing my monthly favorites with everyone. It does force you to take account of items or events that you have enjoyed for the month.

First on my list is….

my bedroom in high school. This was my room when I was 18. I pulled out this picture recently and posted it to my Instagram account. I could not believe it. It’s been so long since I have seen this picture. I graduated from high school in 2001 so it’s not that long ago but it is. When I look at it I see….. a young girl who has not changed at all. 

At the time of this photo I had actually just graduated from high school and was finally able to work full time at my current office now. I was a student assistant at the U.S. Attorney’s Office during my junior year and senior year in high school. I also worked there during my first year of college. I left around my second year of college and began working as a legal assistant at a private law firm. The lead attorney actually offered me the job in my 20th birthday. This photo holds so many memories. This was actually the first time I was able to have my own bedroom. My sister and I always shared a room but our mother had moved into a bigger home with more rooms. I was so excited to decorate. This makes me smile…. 
Second on my list is my surprise bouquet of peonies! I found these earlier this week. It is so rare to find peonies during this season. I had a huge smile on my face when I walked into the grocery store and saw these. So happy!!!
Third on my list are these elegant Kate Spade earrings. I found these at Von Maur a few weeks ago. They are called the full flourish flower stud and the studded pearl earrings.  Both are comfortable and lovely. 
Fourth on my list is my blue and white wrapping paper from the Enchanted Home. I purchased this last year and was so excited to use it. It looks stunning in person! 
Fifth on my list is this pin that I saw on Pinterest. Now I LOVE these lace stockings but I am so torn. I can see myself wearing these with my leopard print pumps, black flowing skirt, white collar shirt, pearls and cardigan. But my question is are these too sexy for the office? I don’t know. I tried to imagine one of my co-workers wearing these or maybe one of our attorneys and ask myself would I be offended or think that these stockings are too sexy. What are your thoughts? Be honest. 
And last but certainly not least is this scene from a movie called Princess that was released in 2008. It’s a cute little movie. I watched it one day with my daughter while folding laundry. This movie is about a princess that protects mythological creatures. While I was watching it this scene appeared and for some reason it dazzled me. I love the decor in the background, the silver teapot that “Nana” is holding, the blue and white tea set and the elegant pink blush scarf that Princess Ithaca is wearing. This scene was just so elegant to me. It has so much grace and poise. I had to take a picture of it. Loved it!   
Well I hope that you enjoyed my list of favorites for the month of December. I can’t believe that I will now be starting my 5th year of blogging!!! I can’t believe it! I was just telling my husband that I will be blogging 5 years this coming March. Even he was shocked! I hope that I can continue to bring beautiful content for 2019. 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley & Pinterest)

6 replies
  1. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,

    Thank you for your posts, that are always there. I enjoy all of them and have learned so much from you. I think you are very smart and have a great sense of integrity.

    Your style is lovely, as are your suggestions for living a gracious life. ( I now have those napkins in my glove compartment) Brilliant.

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Kathleen!
      I am so honored to hear you say that you learned a lot from me! It's always a humbling feeling when I receive comments such as this. Thank you! You have the napkins in your glove compartment? How fantastic! That is just great! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  2. Gloria
    Gloria says:

    Hello Mrs Shockley,
    I agree with everything Kathleen said in her post above. I love your posts and have learned so much from them. Regarding the lace stockings, they are beautiful but I do not believe they are office attire. They are too special for the office.
    I wish you the best for 2019 and will continue to follow your blog.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Gloria,
      Thank you for being a reader. I am glad to hear that you enjoy the blog also. I agree with you in regards to the lace stockings. Every time I imagined myself with them on in the office it gave me an very unpleasant feeling. So I think I am going to take heed. Thank you again Gloria for being a reader!

  3. lady jicky
    lady jicky says:

    Happy New Year!
    My life at the moment is very busy and exhausting but I come to your blog to find something pretty and joyful… thank you.

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